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Once a rider...always a rider


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Hey guys, it's Brian. Some of you may remember me from rides last year. I was ran off the road and went head first into a tree in September. I was paralyzed from the chest down and since life has been completely different. I know I saw some of you at my benefit at Quaker Stake last fall. Thanks again for coming out and showing your support.

Just a little update: In the last 6 months I have come pretty far. I can do things I never thought I could do when I was in the hospital. I have returned to work and drive again using hand controls. For the most part, I have kept my head up most of the time which is helping me to progress. I kept my caringbridge journal up to date and it's cool for me to go back and read some of my old entries.


A few weeks ago I got another scare. I started loosing feeling in my left arm and when I went to the ER, they found that fluid in my spine was building up. They said if it got worse, I would lose function of my arms. I ended up undergoing a surgery to try to stop the loss of feeling and so far is seems like it has been a success. I still can't feel temperature or light touch on the back of my arm but at least it still works!

I am happy the snow has finally melted and I don't have to deal with that shit anymore. The last few days have been tough on me though because I see people out on thier bikes again. I have taken car rides on my old "routes" and it's just not the same. I really miss riding like crazy. I still want to get my bike back to normal before I sell it. I know you guys said you would give me a hand in the Fall but I could really use it now. I wanted to track down Paul (attackpainter) b/c I heard he does a damn good job.

Since I have not been around for awhile, I thought I would show you my new wheels...still representing the OR!:)



Most recent surgery over top of the old scar:


My new WHIP!


Hand Controls: Me on Youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-PrSLZYAaE


Edited by Bkizz
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My god man. For anyone to have something happen to them as did you, you are a HUGE inspiration. Wow. Glad to hear your adapting so well, and everything is starting to look up for you. Glad the surgery went well. Keep it up buddy!

Nice ride too!

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Hey man, it was good to hear from ya yesterday. I'm in awe of how well you're handling everything; your situation crosses my mind more or less every day and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be holding up nearly as well as you are if I were your place. I'll shoot you a text later this week and let you know when I'll be back in town if you still need help with any of the stuff you mentioned yesterday.

You should post up a pic of your exhaust and see if anyone can pop that dent out. I know there are a few people here with experience disassembling and reassembling cans that can probably get that thing right without much effort.

Also, that's a damn slick car. If that's not an example of making the best of a shitty situation, I don't know what is.

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Thanks for the update!! Your spirit and atitude is far better than mine would be!

Really sweet seeing how the hand controls work, I've always wondered. Is that Bad324's Infiniti he just sold?

Edited by Likwid
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Thanks for all the posts guys. I have had countless people tell me, "I don't know how you handle it" or "I wouldn't be doing as well as you." Well WTF am I supposed to do? Sit here and cry all day? Be an asshole to everyone I come in contact with? I have been through all the wishing and pleading with God. I am a good person and was a safe rider...why didn't this happen to the jackass who was weaving in and out of rush hour traffic or riding a wheelie in front of a semi?

Bottom line is it DID happen to me and I CAN'T change that. Being a cry baby bitch only makes my life worse and makes others want to stay away from me. I like to laugh and have fun...that is what I will continue to do if I can help it. It all comes down to choice. Choose to live or choose to be miserable. I am thankful Shoei makes a damn good helmet and my brain is still in working order. If there is anything I can say it's watch out for stupid drivers and STAY AWAY FROM TREES - they don't get out of the way.

I have thought about checking out bike night this season but I am still contemplating if that would be a good idea. Just seeing bikes on the road has been 10 times harder than I thought it would be. I still dream that I am riding...just the other day I rode to Ironpony.

Really sweet seeing how the hand controls work, I've always wondered. Is that Bad324's Infiniti he just sold?

Nope, I actually bought this car from a dealer in NC and had it delivered. Luckily, it all worked out and I have another toy to focus my attention on.

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What's up Bro? I've been wondering how/where you've been. So you decided to step it up to the InfiniT huh? Nice. You are not only a rider buy a car nut too. Guess they go hand in hand huh?

We will see what we can do about getting that bike fixed/sold for you. Sure those offers still stand. Just keep in touch and don't forget you will always be one of us. That said, you ever feel like hitting a bike night let us know, we'll keep you company. Laters B.

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Well WTF am I supposed to do? Sit here and cry all day? Be an asshole to everyone I come in contact with?

That's pretty much what I would do. Shit - I do that already!

Nice car - maybe you could get a convertible for that "on bike" feeling.;)

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I've driven a couple of cars with hand controls, that's really weird to do. lol.

It's just like anything else...you have to get a feel for it. The first time I tried I was flooring the gas and mashing the brakes. A week later I had it down. Ripping donuts in the snow was a good time. I love my Infinity but oh, how it sucks gas...like 18mpg in the city. I know people with trucks who get better milage than that! Oh well, it's fatty and it goes vroom and that's all I really care about.

Can anyone hook me up with Paul's number? I'd like to get a hold of him and see how much these repairs may cost. Thanks!

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Man oh man! I was just wondering about you the other day. I know I never have personally met you but reading your threads blow my mind. I am not sure how i would cope, but I know it wouldn't be in the manner you have. I think its absoltutley amazing. I hope you continue to keep your head up, and continue to progress! And that is one super sexy infinity sir.

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