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stupid cagers


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Had two teenage girls try to hit me twice while leaving a steak & shake parking lot last night. I was riding through and the first one backed out without looking so I cut the turn in the lot shallow and cleared her, only to look forward and her friend in a separate car on the other side of the lot went flying out of her spot and I had to dodge her as well. Seriously, try looking before you back up once in a while. It's not like you'd miss the bright ass headlight on the front of my bike.

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I did see a brand new rider yesterday doing EVERYTHING wrong imaginable...

I seen him coming up in my mirror (my cruise was set at 73 on the freeway) so I was waiting for him to pass before I passed the person I was following... He's riding right in my blind spot... It was obvious he was brand new: Temp tag, Helmet mounted to helmet holder, Sunglasses, Shorts, Flip Flops, Twitchy throttle control, twitchy lane position, Riding in blind spots... just every cliche newbie and squid attribute you could think of... absolutely terrible.

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Been lucky so far. Douches come from the other end of the spectrum, as in the SQUID who was riding onto 270 West from Westerville on a Kawasaki crotch rocket-something helmetless, jacket and glove-less, wearing tennis shoes AND holding a cell phone with his left hand while rolling throttle onto the freeway. WTF.

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Had a white mini van push me out of the lane into the turn lane on Friday morning. There's a terrible left side blind spot on some mini vans. But no excuse for the driver, I was right there next to the driver's door, they didn't physically turn their head and look. I moved over with, and rolled up right next to the driver and looked. It scared them more than me, so I just moved on. A minute later, a small car did the same thing to the van. I rolled up and looked at that one too. Totally oblivious, but at least wasn't on a phone. Yeah, I ride maximum defensive in morning traffic. Best to stay flexible in escape routes at all times.

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Had a white mini van push me out of the lane into the turn lane on Friday morning. There's a terrible left side blind spot on some mini vans. But no excuse for the driver, I was right there next to the driver's door, they didn't physically turn their head and look.

:dunno: Doesn't max power have a white Muckin Finivan? Jussayin'..... :lol:

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:dunno: Doesn't max power have a white Muckin Finivan? Jussayin'..... :lol:

geez... dunno, I had shades on and it was still a bit dark. I couldn't see if driver was male or female. Probably male, driver had a hoodie up and covered most of the face. They just put a hand up like... hoping I wouldn't trash the mirror or door... I'm not that mean anymore. And the car I had been following appeared to be a Columbus policeman going to work...

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geez... dunno, I had shades on and it was still a bit dark. I couldn't see if driver was male or female. Probably male, driver had a hoodie up and covered most of the face. They just put a hand up like... hoping I wouldn't trash the mirror or door... I'm not that mean anymore. And the car I had been following appeared to be a Columbus policeman going to work...

Yeah, I doubt it would have been him anyway, he's not an idiot (from what I know of him anyway.) Just looking for some humor...

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As a rider I have to say that even the green and brown minivans have nasty blind spots. I know to watch and almost pulled out in front of a bike last year.

Indeed. Lots of vehicles have nasty left side blind spots, in addition to standard right side blind spots. I rented a Chrysler 300, and first thing noticed was a not fantastic view in the left mirror. Easy to miss an entire car back there.

Years ago I got hit by a soccer mom van while driving a Pontiac along side on the left. She looked in her mirror, which viewed back over the top of my car without seeing it, and she turned left from the wrong lane. Hit me in the right rear wheel well and door. Can't say much for her peripheral vision, since all she had to do was look down from the mirror, and there was a car there.

Hence the rule... don't pass cars in intersections. Hell, don't even be next to a car that slows down at an intersection. That signals confusion and intent to do something crazy.

Some mornings on Broad Street going to work, I can see several cars/suvs turn right from two lanes over. I seldom drive down the right hand lane in car or bike.

Extra rule: Maximum caution around hospitals. There's almost always someone driving out there on the road that is emotional or distraught or in a hurry. They will make mistakes.

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They have all forgotten about sharing the roads with motorcycles. Not that many remembered before winter anyways. I think I might try the "boot to mirror" approach if possible. :p

fuck man, try riding a bicycle around. share the road goes right out the window apparently...

i kicked a car on my bicycle once and my cleat left a very nice hole in the side of their door lol.

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fuck man, try riding a bicycle around. share the road goes right out the window apparently...

i kicked a car on my bicycle once and my cleat left a very nice hole in the side of their door lol.

I sprinted after a person on High Street to catch him at a light for being a douche. Yeah, that makes me a douche too, but I doubt he'll pull the same shit again. :o

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i was headed northbound on 257 the other day and right at the intersection of glick road a damn escalade made a left hand turn in front of me. to make things worse... after the chick saw me, she f'ing stopped in the middle of the intersection!! left just enough room for me to swerve between her ass end and the center median. oh and what the hell is the reason for all these cages driving 40-45 in a 55 zone and feeling like they need to come to a complete stop on the few curves in the road!!!!! :mad:

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Two weeks ago I was in a tight right curve and a honda ricer fag coming the other way came left of center and appexed the turn right into my driving path. I went lower in the turn and was forced onto the shoulder. The person didnt even notice me. I stopped just to make sure I was still alive. He didnt even stop. Figures.

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Been lucky so far. Douches come from the other end of the spectrum, as in the SQUID who was riding onto 270 West from Westerville on a Kawasaki crotch rocket-something helmetless, jacket and glove-less, wearing tennis shoes AND holding a cell phone with his left hand while rolling throttle onto the freeway. WTF.

I found that speaker phone doesn't work very good while riding, but I have yet to try texting. :popcorn:

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fuck man, try riding a bicycle around. share the road goes right out the window apparently...

i kicked a car on my bicycle once and my cleat left a very nice hole in the side of their door lol.

Naw, I'll pass on riding a bicycle on any road other than a few back roads and bike trails. You were wearing full leathers right?:rolleyes:

I sprinted after a person on High Street to catch him at a light for being a douche. Yeah, that makes me a douche too, but I doubt he'll pull the same shit again. :o

I might start doing that, calling people out on their idiotic mistakes if the situation allows. Last year a car had pulled out in front of me, didn't cut me off or anything, but as I crested the hill was still going faster than he was. I checked my mirrors, was in a passing zone and had no traffic coming towards me. So I went ahead and at the same speed I was originally going began to pass him. As soon as I got next to him he looked at me and purposely swerved trying to run me off the road. Flailing his hands and screaming who knows what. Then as I look forward again see cars coming towards me, down shifted and took off. It really shook me up pretty good. I wanted to stop him and confront him but realized I'd probably do something I would later regret. The big kicker to this whole thing? He had two young children in the back seat. F'ing A'hole.

cagers rule.period.get over it.

(in a ruling the road sense) You are right. Until everyone rides a motorcycle, we will always be invisible and a problem for cages.

Edited by chevysoldier
For clarification on cagers ruling
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