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No Riding today thanks to Cleveland salt trucks


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Me and some friends planned to go riding through north east Ohio today but, seeing how on Thursday we got a dusting of snow they decided to salt the roads:mad:. Now we have to wait thanks city of Cleveland. Now if there was 10 inches in the forecast there would not be no salt trucks for days. What a joke. Thankfully it's supposed to rain tomorrow to wash it away.. Just had to vent...

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I'm out by beachwood and we didn't get much salt at all. Theres a little bit depending on where you are out in my suburb....

Then again I'm probably only riding to the gym and then work today, so nothing terribly close to actual downtown.

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I will have my bike out this coming week.

I was really debating whether to make an unexpected stop over at your place last weekend just to see if you're home.... But, decided against it.

However I look forward to getting out and riding together soon! :D

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