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What's with all the "2014" laws?


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Just watching abcnews and this new auto emissions law goes into effect 2014, which is also when parts of the healthcare bill are due to start up. What gives? Why 2014?

and as an aside, they kept interviewing all these enviro-hippies from california about the new bill and i kept asking myself "why are we trying to be like california?" can we expect the feds to follow cali's example and just decide to stop sending out tax refund checks?

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I'm not real familiar with new passcar regs, but commercial vehicles just went through their new emissions Tier requirements for 2010. Adds about $10k extra per truck than old emissions.

If there are regs for 2014, then it's because they need MANY MANY years to implement and test the emissions systems necessary to meet the regs and keep costs down. You have to phase in everything or you'd crash the supply chain.

Edited by JRMMiii
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It's those damn 4 year plans. That's all the farther anyone can plan forward in the future anymore. Two years ago, we were flooded with plans ending in 2012. Which was amusing, since the world tries, once again, per hysteria, to end that year.

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I'm not real familiar with new passcar regs, but commercial vehicles just went through their new emissions Tier requirements for 2010. Adds about $10k extra per truck than old emissions.

If there are regs for 2014, then it's because they new MANY MANY years to implement and test the emissions systems necessary to meet the regs and keep costs down. You have to phase in everything or you'd crash the supply chain.

It's those damn 4 year plans. That's all the farther anyone can plan forward in the future anymore. Two years ago, we were flooded with plans ending in 2012. Which was amusing, since the world tries, once again, per hysteria, to end that year.
i get the "phasing in" i just thought there might be some political undercurrent to it, like since it gives everyone involved a shot at reelection before anyone finds out if the new laws start to suck.

Pretty much all of the above.

OBD2 was REQUIRED in 1996, however the laws governing it were the clean air act (ammendmants) of 1990 and some of the changes to transistion to it started showing up around 1993-1994.

Here's some info pertaining to the EPA's clean air act as it applies to moving sources (cars, trucks, motorcycles, airplanes, etc....)

Clean Air Act

Why the EPA website sends to Cornell's website is beyond me.... :dunno:

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Not if you buy a Government Motors 'Volt'!


Obama just bought 100 of them!

But if you own a competitors product, such as a Toyota or Nissan....

i did see that too. surprise the white house buys cars from the company they own 60some% stock in and thus give big publicity to a product they have a direct interest in it's success. totally fair competition. gonna be interesting watching the presidential convoy stop and plug in.

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