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Brass Balls


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the newb better be a hawt 18yr old with huge perfect titties and daddy issues, cause i'm running out of prostitutes to murder.

18...? Damn lol. I don't want the chick i'm about to hump...or rape in your case to still have her hymen. :eek:

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what year do you think you're living in? 18yr olds know more about goatse than i know about contraceptives.

also, who said anything about rape? i'll pay them in candy and lost puppies.

Edited by jbot
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what year do you think you're living in? 18yr olds know more about goatse than i know about contraceptives.

also, who said anything about rape? i'll pay them in candy and lost puppies.

Some sir! Some. :D

I think you might be on to something lol. Let's create a website together. Candyandlostpuppies.com You have plenty of hot asian smut to get us rolling right? :banana:

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so back to the original topic

The "topic" or issue is a moot point now, situation over.

I got the shit off my chest, made "semi-peace" with wheezle and have moved on.

Sorry no more entertainment from me at this time :dunno:

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I didnt miss a dang thing. My AF is treating me just fine! :D

I was in Washington state at McChord AFB for my two week training. The internet in the hotel room worked every so often, then my laptop died on me, basically it was two weeks worth of fail for me. It was horrible! Im stationed at Wright-Patt also but im only a reservist, I wouldnt have it any other way.

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The airing of grievances will be ending tomorrow at midnight. So if any one else is pissed about how much time lance is spending taking to their wife/girlfriend ect. please speak now. (I KNOW there is a couple more out there)

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The airing of grievances will be ending tomorrow at midnight.

What now we have time limits on threads? :dunno:

Close it now, it was quiet for almost a week until some newb hashed it up again, damn newb's :lol:

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