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Motorcyclist going 152 mph passes police car....

Strictly Street

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Motorcyclist going 152 mph passes police car going other way on winding two lane road, somehow manages to get caught?!?



Edited by Strictly Street
From the "You Can't Make This Stuff UP" Department.
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Rawlins87 - :nono::p

Wow...the comments are very entertaining. Just about read them all, and their replies.

152mph is not crazy fast in my opinion...Yeah, it's hauling ass...but you can go faster. :lol: The commenters act like 151mph is the land speed record or something. Most commenters on stories like this are from people that have no interest in engines or anything motorized for that matter. Plus the ZX14 can get to 152mph and back down to their 60mph speed limit in the blink of an eye...it's really not THAT dangerous unless you sustain the speed.

Edited by NinjaNick
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I wouldn't know first hand or anything like that, but my former Katana was rumored to have gone 156 ( by using the not always accurate speedometer, not GPS) in fifth gear hitting the rev limiter on 271 south near the ski area. Sounds like a lot of wind and by the time you have a chance to focus on something on the road, you have already passed it. I don't think my eyes and my brain function on the same speed going that fast. So that was the one and only "speed blast" I have ever done.

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havent gone that fast on a bike since my bike isnt capable of going over 140, but ive done faster in a car....no matter how much you say its not dangerous, it really is....at that speed, by the time you see anything that might be in your path, you have NO time to react before youre over it...any foreign object laying in the road could mean death for you, sustained speed or not

not saying i dont hit high speeds often, just saying that to pretend like it isnt dangerous is a wrong assessment

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"Eighty percent of fatal motorcycle collisions are now the fault of the rider," said State Patrol Chief John R. Batiste. "Half of fatal collisions don't even involve a second vehicle."

That bothers me. He says are now the fault of the rider. Almost sounds like they are citing motorcylist if they are at fault or not. I know the rate of single vehical motorcycle accidents are high but the wording bothered me.

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No matter how much you say its not dangerous, it really is...., just saying that to pretend like it isnt dangerous is a wrong assessment
If you don't know...you're not meant to know. ;):p

Both true statements. I'm not saying I'm innocent but I know I'm assuming risks.

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Uh.... Funny stuff, but def. not that fast. Mid Ohio's rear straight..., and Putnam's front straight into 1...

yea, and mid-ohio is a closed course free of potholes, gravel, animals, cages, and any other misc random thing that can happen....150+ IS fast for public roads

youre argument doesnt make sense, people do 250mph on the salt flats, does that mean 200mph isnt very fast going down a public road either?

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151 mph is about 221 feet per second. That's a football field in less than 1.4 seconds.

I don't care who you are or which public road you're on, nobody is good enough to react to the hazards that present themselves.

Racetracks are a different animal all together and are irrelevant in this argument.

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"Eighty percent of fatal motorcycle collisions are now the fault of the rider," said State Patrol Chief John R. Batiste. "Half of fatal collisions don't even involve a second vehicle."

That bothers me. He says are now the fault of the rider. Almost sounds like they are citing motorcylist if they are at fault or not. I know the rate of single vehical motorcycle accidents are high but the wording bothered me.

Nope, I agree that doesn't sound quite right. Ohio stats are 80% are failure to negotiate a curve, or are collisions with a vehicle pulling into path. Split 50/50. So the half part is true, but I doubt the 80% fault of rider part. I could maybe believe 40% (the ran off the road half). To get 80%, we'd have to find the motorcycle at fault in most every motorcycle vs other vehicle collision. Not likely to be true. Or the other way is to say 40% running off of road (still a stretch to count it all), half of all vehicle collisions (20%), and all of the other 20% whatever it might be, to get 80%. Still not likely to be true.

Just based on statistical averaging, it would be difficult to find one or the other group more than 50% at fault on the average overall.

Edited by ReconRat
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