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tygon 2075 in columbus ohio?


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anybody know where i can find some tygon 2075 clear tubing locally? i know i can find it easily online, i was just curious if i could pick it up a little faster.

plastic supply or chemical supply stores is the usual category its listed under if that helps.

reconrat, where you at dude?!

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I just got two feet of it from KurvyGirl on eBay. It comes to you in 2 days! I tried the cheap stuff from the hardware store because some guy on an auto racing site 'swears by it', but it actually sweats brake fluid and breaks down after only a few days.

I tried to find it in town, too but couldn't. Maybe I wasn't looking in the right places. I'l watch this thread to see if someone knows of anywhere near that sells it for future ref. I do recommend going to eBay and getting it from Julie (kurvygirl) because it arrives so quickly, it defies logic. GL

Oh, I forgot, if you need the band type clamps that you squeeze open with pliers and then let go of to tighten (like factory), Roush Hardware in Westerville has 'em. 3/8" size.

Edited by hue jass
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  ReconRat said:

Fournier Rubber & Supply Co.

1341 Norton Ave. · Columbus, OH 43212 · 1.800.282.3474

11591 Grooms Rd. · Cincinnati, OH 45242 · 1.888.729.4444


Can a guy just walk in off the street and buy from them? Lots of these places require accounts and or minimum orders.

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  hue jass said:
Can a guy just walk in off the street and buy from them? Lots of these places require accounts and or minimum orders.

Good question, I used to, but times change. They might have stopped with the walk-ins. Which means buying by telephone or web or mail. I haven't been over there for a long time. I've never tried clear tubing for hydraulic fluid. But good clear tubing for fuel isn't easy either. But hardwares usually have something that will work for fuel.

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I wish Nate didn't cut out. He didn't say what he needed it for. I know from dealing with places that sell dimensional metals that even if they don't sell in small quantities, they can dole out pieces and categorize it as 'sample' material. Either way, it's good to know there's a place in town that at least has this stuff.

I've dealt with Pro Plastics before but opted out because of the minimums.

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Ok, the only other thing I got is to try aviation supply stores. They might stock stuff like that also, or they would know who does. Pricey to buy from places like that though. I remember using some for a hydraulic testing rig.

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i relocated my brake reservoir, and rotated my brake lever down to where i like it. this is putting more stress on the hose connecting the two than i'd like hence the reason for this tubing.

tygon 2075 is the only tubing (other than the OEM rubber) that will hold up to the brake fluid and not sweat or degrade over time. I used this stuff on the old bike for a few years and never had any problems.

i like kurvey girl a lot and usually do order from her, but im in the process of bleeding my brakes and was kind of wanting to get it done in one shot (i was an idiot and started before i had all the parts, like this tubing...)

hue jass, you wouldn't happen to have any left over tubing would you?

Edited by natedogg624
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