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Man pukes on 11 yr old girl


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Police arrested a New Jersey man after he was accused of intentionally vomiting on a young girl at the Phillies game Wednesday evening.

The young girl's father, trying to give his daughters an unforgettable night at the ballpark, ended up getting a memory he wishes he could forget.

Captain Michael Vangelo, with the Easton Police Department, was off-duty when he took his 11 and 15-year-old daughters to the Phillies game Wednesday night.

"When I say disgusting, there was not only insults and vulgarities directed at us, but also beer was thrown at us," Vangelo told Eyewitness News.

Unfortunately, the evening only got worse.

"I actually heard the individual behind me say, 'I'm gonna get sick', then I couldn't believe what I saw. He actually had his fingers down his mouth and into his throat to make himself vomit. He vomited and lurched forward and it was hitting my daughter," Vangelo explained.

Police identified that individual as 21-year-old Matthew Clemmens from Cherry Hill, New Jersey.

According to Vangelo, Clemmens and friends were sitting behind them and appeared to be drunk. One of them was even thrown out of the game earlier for unruly behavior. The vomiting upset and scared Vangelo's 11-year-old daughter.

"She was crying and that's difficult to see as a dad," Vangelo said.

So Vangelo stepped in and with help from fellow fans, held Clemmens down until police arrived. The Vangelos thought the night had been completely ruined

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I went to a phillies game to watch the Astros and Clemens few years back. I got cursed out by an old hag in a wheel chair attached to an oxygen tank while she was smoking. Those fans are the most disrespectful fans on the planet...even to their own home team. Sport fans there are a joke. i dont think anybody in that city has class. Must be all the philly cheesesteaks....which are amazing BTW.

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misleading headline much?

the headline makes it sound like the guy intentionally puked on the girl's head. the story sounds more like the guy tried to 'control' the spew, and some vomit splashed on the girl.

Don't get me wrong, it's gross and retarded either way, but the sensationalized headline is one of my pet peeves.

Essentially this guy is guilty of being an idiot, but I don't think he's guilty of 'assault by vomit' like the headline makes it sound.

fail for Matthew Clemmens, fail for the CBS affiliate in Philadelphia, and sucks for that 11 yr old.

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WTF!!! the guys uncle says he is your "average 21 year old kid" i dont know about you guys but i wasnt throwning up on people on purpose. Im sorry but how can you keep your cool when someone just purposly regergitated ALL OVER YOUR KID!!! i would have shanked him for sure!! EEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!

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misleading headline much?

the headline makes it sound like the guy intentionally puked on the girl's head. the story sounds more like the guy tried to 'control' the spew, and some vomit splashed on the girl.

Don't get me wrong, it's gross and retarded either way, but the sensationalized headline is one of my pet peeves.

Essentially this guy is guilty of being an idiot, but I don't think he's guilty of 'assault by vomit' like the headline makes it sound.

fail for Matthew Clemmens, fail for the CBS affiliate in Philadelphia, and sucks for that 11 yr old.

Actually this one doesn't sound too sensationalized - he was sticking his fingers down his throat to puke on purpose. Talk about restraint on the dad's part-don't cops always concealed carry?

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The language alone is a reason to not take your kid to the ball game. let alone this idiot throwing up. What happened to sports being a family event? It seems more than ever, that you go to some sporting event and its just a bunch of fowl mouthed, drunks!

Not to say I'm perfect, but I try to respect parents and there kids. I see a child present at any event or public place, and I watch what I say.

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The language alone is a reason to not take your kid to the ball game. let alone this idiot throwing up. What happened to sports being a family event? It seems more than ever, that you go to some sporting event and its just a bunch of fowl mouthed, drunks!

Not to say I'm perfect, but I try to respect parents and there kids. I see a child present at any event or public place, and I watch what I say.

I'm all for not being a stumbling, puking asshole in public, but if you bring your kids to a public place, ESPECIALLY a public place where alcohol is served, be prepared to have them experience loudmouths and people who generally can't hold their liquor. I've toned it down a little when I'm at a hockey game and there are 5-6 year olds in front of me, but it's not my job nor responsibility to kowtow to the little snowflakes and speak like I was at a English cricket match.

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Actually this one doesn't sound too sensationalized - he was sticking his fingers down his throat to puke on purpose. Talk about restraint on the dad's part-don't cops always concealed carry?

i believe he was trying to puke on purpose - i'm not convinced he was intentionally trying to puke ON anyone.

You've got to put yourself in the moron's shoes:

1) he's a moron

2) he's intoxicated enough to be near puking

3) he's from New Jersey (see #1)

I don't think it's a huge stretch for a drunk guy to think, "oh man - i feel sick. I better make myself puke so i feel better. I'll stick my finger down my throat and just puke between my feet. ... Oh shit, there's a lot more puke than I thought there would be. watch out little girl!"

I'll admit it - i've puked in a bar. never on another person (maybe my buddy dave), but if I'd been in the kind of close-quarters that stadium seating necessitates, you could probably add some strangers to that list.

I'm all kinds of jaded from law classes, I just struggle to see where the little girl was significantly 'damaged' here.

The cops can charge him with drunk in public, disorderly conduct, and possibly battery (any 'unwanted touch' is battery).

But at the civil level, what's she going to sue for? Maybe the value of any clothing that was ruined by his vomit? Intentional infliction of emotional distress? She'd have to PROVE that he meant to puke on her, and knew or should have known that she'd be 'distressed' by it. Furthermore, she'd have to prove she actually was distressed (i.e. she'd have to go to therapy).

etc. etc. etc. - When it comes down to it, there are occasions where being a douchebag isn't enough to get sued.

The criminal charges might stick, but I'd bet he takes a plea bargain involving a fine, community service, and maybe alcohol counseling.

'guy from jersey is a-hole' just isn't news to me...

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  • 3 months later...

Wow, jail time? Seriously?

You can make him clean ballpark bathrooms (and I would expand it to seedy nightclub bathrooms) for the next 6 months, but instead he has to be hauled off to jail.

No wonder 10% of the entire US population is behind bars.

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