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Well I figured out what my power issue was today. Seems that only one carb is getting fuel, the other is just kind of hanging out.

Not sure where to go from here. Anyone selling something cheap?

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All the fuel is fed from one line, through a filter, through your valve and to the carbs. You need to follow that line as it leaves your fuel valve all the way to the carbs and look for a pinch, or blockage, or something that isn't allowing fuel to go to that carb.

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All the fuel is fed from one line, through a filter, through your valve and to the carbs. You need to follow that line as it leaves your fuel valve all the way to the carbs and look for a pinch, or blockage, or something that isn't allowing fuel to go to that carb.

it is one line that goes down to a bar that feeds both carbs. This leads me to think it is in the carb. I am chicken shit to tear into the carbs myself.

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remove carb

clean sticky float valve



what kinda bike do you have?

I have an 05 Vulcan 500

I am too chicken shit to tear into the carbs myself. Me and carbs historically have a HATE relationship.

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ok, i see that you have the vulcan 500... i guess thats something else that didnt work in the red carbon skin....

anyway, thats the same engine thats in my ex-500. the carbs are cake.

how did you determine that one carb is not getting gas?

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ok, i see that you have the vulcan 500... i guess thats something else that didnt work in the red carbon skin....

anyway, thats the same engine thats in my ex-500. the carbs are cake.

how did you determine that one carb is not getting gas?

Tonight I decided to drain the bowls in case there was still dirt in there causing my power issue. Got my trusty allen wrench and loosened the drain on the right, some fuel came out and looked fine. Went to the left carb and loosened the drain and nothing. Ended up taking the drain screw all the way out and still nothing. Then I put it all back together. Drove it like I stole it (tried to at least) then parked it. I could touch the exhaust on the left with my bear hand, the right was warm enough that I just had to get close to know I didn't want to touch it.

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You can borrow my ex-500 manuals if you want. Same basic engine. A few differences though. There will be slightly different procedure for actual removal... Maybe different airbox or a different bracket here and there, but overall carb cleaning will be the same.

I'd be willing to help you with it too if you need. I've been through the carbs on my 500 many times. Actually I think I have a leaky float I gotta tear into them one of these days.

What probably has happened is some kind of debris has entered the line and clogged the float valve somewhere along the line. It could be in the actual valve or upstream of it. Have you taken the tank off lately? Its common for a piece of the rubber fuel line to get sheared off on the petcock nipple and jam the valve.

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You can borrow my ex-500 manuals if you want. Same basic engine. A few differences though. There will be slightly different procedure for actual removal... Maybe different airbox or a different bracket here and there, but overall carb cleaning will be the same.

I'd be willing to help you with it too if you need. I've been through the carbs on my 500 many times. Actually I think I have a leaky float I gotta tear into them one of these days.

What probably has happened is some kind of debris has entered the line and clogged the float valve somewhere along the line. It could be in the actual valve or upstream of it. Have you taken the tank off lately? Its common for a piece of the rubber fuel line to get sheared off on the petcock nipple and jam the valve.

Thanks for the advice. I think it all boils down to the guy I got it from let gas sit in it over a year.

As far as the petcock? I think you refer to the fuel valve on the underside of the tank? No I have not taken that appart, but from what I can see it is one line that feeds both of them (unless that is the return line?)

My other worry is, I put a good 800 miles on it with it only running on the one side. Could that of caused more damage? Also I have seafoam in the fuel right now, should I continue to ride it? So many questions. Le Sigh I didn't want to get into the Fix and Repair aspect of this all until at least next season.

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just pull that shit apart and spray it with carb cleaner

pull a jet out, spray it, look and see if you can see light through it. if not, run something small and soft through it like fishing line.

do one jet at a time so you don't get anything messed up. use a magnetic tray to hold any screws.

reinstall and ride that shit.

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yea thats the petcock. the on/off/res switch. yes, it is one line from the tank to carbs. there is probably a smaller vacuum line attached to the petcock also.

as for running on only one cylinder, it would be preferable to fix it, but its not going to really hurt anything.

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yea thats the petcock. the on/off/res switch. yes, it is one line from the tank to carbs. there is probably a smaller vacuum line attached to the petcock also.

as for running on only one cylinder, it would be preferable to fix it, but its not going to really hurt anything.

Yes I want to get it fixed, but not sure when that will be. I really can't do much more than commute to work on it anyway with the way it is.

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Now i hope someone kicks it over. :p

How did you get it fixed?

You are so mean :mad:

To be honest, I used being a girl to get it fixed. My neighbor is an auto mechanic. So I took the time and took them out. Then I looked at the for a while with much anger. Then I went next for with carbs in hand like I was a little girl with a sick puppy. His wife bitched at him to fix it, I bought them dinner and sat back and bullshitted with the wife as he took them apart and cleaned them. Then he put them back on. Payment was Dinner, he took a "Test drive" and I will throw him a few bones tomorrow to round it all out.

I don't use the girl card often, but it comes in handy sometimes.

and for the record, he will not touch my RX7, I have tried :(

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Sapphy, congrats on getting your carbs fixed.

I have had my '99 Vulcan 500 for several years and work on it whenever I need to. I also have a Hayne's manual for it. It's a great bike, but it's got its little quirks. (like the left carb running too lean and causing the pipe to get too hot and the chrome to change color.)

If you need help in the future with that bike, just give me a holler. I'm not in Columbus, but Beavercreek is within shouting distance if you're on the west/south side of Cbus. Also, you may want to check out http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/en500/ as it's a small-ish but active and helpful Vulcan group.


Edited by palandor
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Sapphy, congrats on getting your carbs fixed.

I have had my '99 Vulcan 500 for several years and work on it whenever I need to. I also have a Hayne's manual for it. It's a great bike, but it's got its little quirks. (like the left carb running too lean and causing the pipe to get too hot and the chrome to change color.)

If you need help in the future with that bike, just give me a holler. I'm not in Columbus, but Beavercreek is within shouting distance if you're on the west/south side of Cbus. Also, you may want to check out http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/en500/ as it's a small-ish but active and helpful Vulcan group.


Thank You

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