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game 6 tonight??

kawi kid

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Can they, yes. Will they, I don't know. Being a Cleveland fan I am largely pessimistic but at the same time if the Cavs play like they have ANY sort of talent, they can get it done in the next 2 games

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i hope your wrong on that one but i think your right. thye will win tonight and lose game 7. but hey WHATS OUR MOTTO??!! "Theres always next year!!!"

that is exactly what I was thining on the way into work today. win 6 come home and all the air is let out of the balloon.

oh, and LBJ stays. the talking heads are killing me with the crap. mike brown is gone, but LBJ is not.

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LBJ has had a say in just about everything for this team for a long time. I see it this way: Cavs lose the series, Brown is sent packing and LBJ head to NY.

LB seems like he doesn't have a care in this series...it's obvious on the court and during his interviews.

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Please Cavs don't make me start watching baseball this early in the year. :(

:lol: Baseball sucks.... I feel your pain

As a Lakers fan..... I'm torn

If we get past our finals, I'd probably prefer a shot at the Celtics & a chance to better our championship record against them, but watchin' Kobe go against 'Bron & especially Shaq would be pretty sweet too

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:lol: Baseball sucks.... I feel your pain

As a Lakers fan..... I'm torn

If we get past our finals, I'd probably prefer a shot at the Celtics & a chance to better our championship record against them, but watchin' Kobe go against 'Bron & especially Shaq would be pretty sweet too

I want to see the Kobe and LBJ go at it again. I went to the Lakers Cavs game in January and it was a awesome game and matchup between the two.

One team that I think everyone is sleeping on right now is the Orlando Magic. They are playing great playoff basketball right now. They have not lost a playoff game yet. They play to win every night unlike the Cavs who have been hot and cold during the playoffs.

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Seems to me that the Cavs are playing like it's a pickup game not an NBA playoff. It feels like they think they can win at anytime. Not sure what needs to be said to them instill that this is important and get off their asses and play like it is. If they play with any urgency at all they will be seeing Orlando next.

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unless you're from Cleveland, then good things die mid-way through the season.

or you know 1 out, 1 game or 1 play from success

god I hate being a die hard cleveland fan but I can't help it

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During most of this series I see the pace of the game getting dictated by Boston. I do not see the Cavs playing the game the way they want, it seem to be a faster paced game then the Cavs are used to. That's just my personal observation of course.

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During most of this series I see the pace of the game getting dictated by Boston. I do not see the Cavs playing the game the way they want, it seem to be a faster paced game then the Cavs are used to. That's just my personal observation of course.

you are right. Which is funny because everyone thought the way to kill the Celtics was to run the ball and tire them out. Which I still think is the key but the problem the transition defense is non-existent when they miss a shot when pushing the ball so Boston is getting easy easy points

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