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Latest rumor about LeBron...


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rose for bulls - very humble and a great player (hard worker) just an example. Steve nash, tim duncan, ginobli..need more?

They all do it for the money.

Rose is like Lebron was in his second year - wet behind the ears and willing to play. Nash, Duncan and Ginobli are all past their prime, and no where near the talent of a Lebron, Kobe, Wade, etc. If they had the opportunity, they'd do it too.

"Athletes" today have no more loyalty to any one team than the team has to them. They are, by and large, a bunch of primadonnas who have spoiled their respective games.

Billion dollar babies that need "unions" to represent them. Billion dollar babies that "need" free agency.

What a bunch of shit.

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Who cares?

"Professional" sports are a complete joke anymore. Just a bunch of spoiled jackasses whining about how they only made [random number] million this year. It's a shame people don't stand up against this bullshit and quit paying the horrendously absurd ticket prices, which only keep getting higher to pay the ridiculous salaries for these egotistical assholes.

The players REALLY DON'T care about their fans...why should you care about them?!

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I'll reserve judgment until after the ESPN spectacle that I won't be watching. I'm sure everyone will be picking it apart at the sub-atomic level afterwards, so it isn't like I'll miss anything.

I've got a crisp 20 that he leaves Cleveland. I have absolutely no idea what the chemistry is like between him and Amar'e (and before you argue, neither do you), but his love for NYC is well documented. Even though he would be essentially starting over in the rebuilding process, at least he knows what he's doing this time around. However, joining Wade/Bosh in Miami would arguably all but guarantee a dynasty, something he's clearly after.

Either of these options puts him in a major market with ridiculous amounts of exposure and in a better position to win a championship while raking in even more in endorsement deals. Cleveland doesn't fit into this picture at all.

Time to embrace the horror, NE Ohio.

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I love it...one former Cavs player that said he's wasn't leaving (which turned out to be a lie) text messaging Bron-Bron to get him to leave the Cavs.

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Someone just told me that he booked 5 condos down at South Beach for tonight I think.

Also, I am predicting that after he says he is going to Miami, Pat Riley will return as the Head Coach. He did that the year they won. Stan built that team up to win and he ended up having "family" problems so he left. Just wait and see...

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Someone just told me that he booked 5 condos down at South Beach for tonight I think.

Also, I am predicting that after he says he is going to Miami, Pat Riley will return as the Head Coach. He did that the year they won. Stan built that team up to win and he ended up having "family" problems so he left. Just wait and see...

If/when LBJ does go to Miami, you can't have the kids from Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle coaching 3 superstars. Ain't no way Riles is missing that egofest.

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I was certain he would be staying until today.

He has hired extra security for his home and the police department has ramped up their manpower. I don't know if that means anything or not.

It means what it means. Clevelanders are crazily reactionary when it comes to sports. This man is literally the embodiment and paragon of all their hopes and dreams of glory FOR THE PAST 50+ YEARS. For him to say "peace out!" on national television, you better believe you're going to have some deranged rednecks literally knocking on your door.

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If/when LBJ does go to Miami, you can't have the kids from Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle coaching 3 superstars. Ain't no way Riles is missing that egofest.

I just laughed out loud in class.... Not gonna lie

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Was just watching the early news...word at the stations says he's heading to the sunshine state.

Let the crazies start trashing the city!! I fully expect to see the posts of Bron-Bron lit a fire or plastered with the words "TRAITOR" on them.

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Isn't there a big painting of LeBron on a building some where in Cleveland? What will they do with that? If he leaves, the city won't be able to pay for it to be painted over. Then again, they will probably just raise taxes for us to get it done... :lol:

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i didnt read all the posts from today but i will say this...

if lebron does decide to go to miami how big of a dick move is it to go on national tv and completely give your home state/town the big fuck you in front of the nation. i keep playing this over and over in my mind and keep thinking he has the sack to destroy a city, live on tv, that he is basically the savior of. Do i blame him if he goes to miami? hell no! Do i think he is a moron if he goes to new york? Hell YES.

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if lebron does decide to go to miami how big of a dick move is it to go on national tv and completely give your home state/town the big fuck you in front of the nation. i keep playing this over and over in my mind and keep thinking he has the sack to destroy a city, live on tv, that he is basically the savior of. Do i blame him if he goes to miami? hell no! Do i think he is a moron if he goes to new york? Hell YES.

I heard that Nike wanted him to do this. Not sure how true it is but... Also, why does it take a "sports figure" to make a city thrive?! It is rediculous! I love sports, but a city can be great with or without this guy, or with anyone for that matter. It's the people in the city that make the city, not the star.

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i didnt read all the posts from today but i will say this...

if lebron does decide to go to miami how big of a dick move is it to go on national tv and completely give your home state/town the big fuck you in front of the nation. i keep playing this over and over in my mind and keep thinking he has the sack to destroy a city, live on tv, that he is basically the savior of. Do i blame him if he goes to miami? hell no! Do i think he is a moron if he goes to new york? Hell YES.

Its not a dick move - its what "sports" (actually games) have become over the last 15 years. Its the "ME" generation that's playing now. As long as "I" get what I want, fuck the fans and the owners that pay my salary.

Virtually EVERY stick and ball sport has more than their fair share of "superstars" that think they're bigger than the game. What they dont realize is there will always be someone bigger, faster, stronger, better and the game itself will most likely outlast them.

They can all go suck a dick for all I care.

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It's the people in the city that make the city, not the star.

Obviously, you haven't been to Cleveland lately.

IP had it right.

What a shit hole.

Think the shit birds up there can make a big enough mess to take out Toledo and Detroit at the same time?

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Obviously, you haven't been to Cleveland lately.

Nope, never been... But this proves my point. If the people treat the place like crap, then obviously it will be crap.

Cleveland seems like a crap hole with or without LeBron, from what I hear....

EDIT: It's the same way with Miami. There are areas that should just drop in the ocean because the people don't care, but there are some really nice areas that aren't just high class, but obviously it will end up being more pricey because it is nicer.

Edited by |SnOmAn|
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