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Help from people at osu!!


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Me personally, if a man did that to me, I would flip him off and drive on, but that is me, I am over all that and just put up with it. But others are not as numb to it as me, and they should have a right to not have to deal with that shit. My bitch in all this is a the FEW that are being shitty because she did not want to just blow it off and let this shit head get away with that shit.

and yes I will agree that there are many women that are barely above monkeys as well, but they don't have to go around being rudely sexual to too many men to get a man that will appease her.

It's a pretty vulgar gesture, literally the 'C' word of gestures and that would piss me off. Like I said, if she wants to try to get them she's going to have to lay eyes on them.

If you want to feel a little better you could make a blowing gesture to some random guy in traffic - but that could likely get you badly married.:lol:I mean, could you imagine the kids face if she said 'common, lets go right now.' He'd shit his little pants.

In fact, if it happens again, just smile at him and say 'follow me.' You'd hook him by his little pig nostrils and lead him to the nearest police station.

Edited by hue jass
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If you want to feel a little better you could make a blowing gesture to some random guy in traffic - but that could likely get you badly married.:lol:I mean, could you imagine the kids face if she said 'common, lets go right now.' He'd shit his little pants.

LOL I might try that. Sounds funny as hell.

In fact, if it happens again, just smile at him and say 'follow me.' You'd hook him by his little pig nostrils and lead him to the nearest police station.

It didn't happen to me. Like I said I am numb to the shit, this happened to gen3flygirl, I just added my 2 cents and pissed people off. It is what I am good at.

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This thread disgusts me as do some of the double standard comments being made by the females. (Yes, I said females in this thread. Specifially Sapphy and Gen3flygirl)

While I dont condone the activity of the Blue car guy, was it really so harmful to you to risk getting him expelled from school and every other state school for 3 years. You do realize that if that happens, the end results will be another uneducated person with a higher probability to go down the path of crime or violence since you had them booted from school. You dont seem to realize that once the school or law gets involved, you dont have the ability to say "Just warn him, or suspend him a few days".... Its out of your hands at that point and you may be ruining someones life because they made faces at you. Jesus this world is going downhill fast.

Grow up... Seriously..

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This thread disgusts me as do some of the double standard comments being made by the females. (Yes, I said females in this thread. Specifially Sapphy and Gen3flygirl)

Glad I could help.

While I dont condone the activity of the Blue car guy, was it really so harmful to you to risk getting him expelled from school and every other state school for 3 years. You do realize that if that happens, the end results will be another uneducated person with a higher probability to go down the path of crime or violence since you had them booted from school. You dont seem to realize that once the school or law gets involved, you dont have the ability to say "Just warn him, or suspend him a few days".... Its out of your hands at that point and you may be ruining someones life because they made faces at you. Jesus this world is going downhill fast.

really, I should feel bad that a tool made a bad choice? I could not care less. people make bad choices, they need to deal with the consequences of the bad choices, that is how people learn. I have no sympathy for that at all.

Grow up... Seriously..

last time I checked, I am.

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Or maybe it is because the legal system has learned the many men are barely above a monkey in intelligence so if a woman said a man was sexually inappropriate then chances are he was.


BTW.... Should I ever decide I want to flame a woman on here for whatever reason I deem fit, by calling many of womankind ignorant, or comparing them to some animal, or saying many women are manipulative witches.....

This is my free pass/"Get Out of Jail Free" card

With all due respect

:popcorn::popcorn: :lol:

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Sapphy, I had some cunt yell at me the other day in traffic, then she gave me the wank signal. What a sexual degenerate, what should I do? I really hate all of these women who think they can get by with these stupid gestures thinking I'm really interested in their blown-out, Jenna Jameson vag.

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Sapphy, I had some cunt yell at me the other day in traffic, then she gave me the wank signal. What a sexual degenerate, what should I do? I really hate all of these women who think they can get by with these stupid gestures thinking I'm really interested in their blown-out, Jenna Jameson vag.

:bow: lmao..+ imaginary rep

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You are correct, it is her word against his and as a criminal matter, and probably nothing will happen. However, she is also correct about the student code of conduct. Having previously worked the OSU/CPD joint patrol for a couple of years, I know that the university takes this type of offense seriously.

Even if no criminal charges are filed, the university can take any type of action that it sees fit. It could range anywhere from a "stern" letter from the university to expulsion. One thing that most students don't understand is that even if they are not "on campus", they are still required to live by the code of conduct (which they all were given a hard copy of at their Freshman orientation) if they are a current student . The other thing that students don't understand is that if they are expelled from a state school, they can not attend ANY state funded school for 3 years. If you are an enrolled student, OSU's code of conduct applies any day, any time, and anywhere in the world. I say report it and follow through.

If you want some contact information for the Student Judicial Review Board, PM me and I will give it to you.

I really do not agree with what is put in the bold.

However, I don't say what that guy did to gen3flygirl was right, I think it is still applicable to the conduct code, since she is a University employee.

at LCCC, the president of the college once said in a speech that he feels it should apply to our personal lives as well. I think thats a bit too big brother ish, and besides....Constitution trumps school codes of conduct. :D

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I really do not agree with what is put in the bold.

However, I don't say what that guy did to gen3flygirl was right, I think it is still applicable to the conduct code, since she is a University employee.

at LCCC, the president of the college once said in a speech that he feels it should apply to our personal lives as well. I think thats a bit too big brother ish, and besides....Constitution trumps school codes of conduct. :D

Thats why they kick you out of school instead of putting you in jail

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i'm just here to observe the gangbang, but not participate because while I might not be quite as distraught at being crudely courted by a female of mideastern descent driving in a blue car (or anything with a vajayjay for that matter), if this was a regular occurrence I could see myself getting fed up and if this instance was particularly fucked up, I could see myself wanting to choke a bitch/cock.

But since I'm not the OP and I wasn't there, my 2 cents is that i'd probably just have a smoke a nap and a fapfapfap and forget about it.

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Sapphy, I had some cunt yell at me the other day in traffic, then she gave me the wank signal. What a sexual degenerate, what should I do? I really hate all of these women who think they can get by with these stupid gestures thinking I'm really interested in their blown-out, Jenna Jameson vag.

I am not sure the ruling on this, but I think you turn in you man card or come out of the closet. :supergay:

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I am not sure the ruling on this, but I think you turn in you man card or come out of the closet. :supergay:

So you're saying that since I'm a guy, I must immediately accept all sexual actions directed towards me, otherwise I'm gay? Sorry, I don't fuck fat bitches, even if they want it.

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So you're saying that since I'm a guy, I must immediately accept all sexual actions directed towards me, otherwise I'm gay? Sorry, I don't fuck fat bitches, even if they want it.

Damn shame. You have no idea of what you're missing.:bow:

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okay to put this guys level of creepiness in perspective for you I can put up with wheezle's shit. This dude's was way beyond that.

for showers to scrub the creepiness away, they really need to make a temperature setting for "kill it with fire"

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RBTMa/oL (returned before the move and/or lock)

I'm pretty sure it's still a state law, that if you have a convicted or accused felony on record, you get kicked out of a state school. I do know that there was an attempt to change that law, so that felons can also attend college. So that law may have been changed in some way recently. I also know that if you have a felony on record, you won't get a job at a state school either.

two cents keep the change

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So you're saying that since I'm a guy, I must immediately accept all sexual actions directed towards me, otherwise I'm gay? Sorry, I don't fuck fat bitches, even if they want it.

sarcasm fail

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Generally in this type of incident when it is he said she said, she wins.

You think????

I can already tell with the attitude that youre one of those females that thinks shes never wrong while dealing with the police.. these are often the ones that end up in hand cuffs too. :eek: You know I have more problems dealing with females than ANY OTHER person on the road.

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You think????

I can already tell with the attitude that youre one of those females that thinks shes never wrong while dealing with the police.. these are often the ones that end up in hand cuffs too. :eek: You know I have more problems dealing with females than ANY OTHER person on the road.

Wow you get that from one statement? You're good.

Actually I am wrong from time to time. IMO I am wrong about the average any other person my age is. Hell I will even own my mistake and admit that I am wrong when I am. And as far as dealing with Law Enforcement, I try to lead my life in a way that keeps my dealings with them to the occasional small talk with them at work. The few times in my life I have be stopped for my lead foot, or acting the fool as a teenager, I was very respectful and took the verbal beat down and or ticket that was coming to me because I knew I earned it. But then again being the daughter of a cop, you learn a bit and know that most don't play around.

Hmmm Guess your profiling was not as good as you though.

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