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Q-S-&-L Bike Night Wednesday 6/2/10


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You'all gonna get soaked, in the Polaris area. Starting about 7:45pm. It will probably be gone by 8:30pm.

There is some lightning around the back side of the storm.

edit: 7:38pm, severe now posted for the area South of I-70 through Columbus.

Edited by ReconRat
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Just missed the rain. I hope everyone got out in time.

Thundering pretty good by IP now. Clouds are rolling in low and FAST. Looks like I'm getting some quick chow and staying my ass inside.

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Some one got wet

It was me. On 270 about a mile from Sawmill and the sanctuary of my garage, I got dumped on. flipped onthe hazards and rode on the berm the rest of the way. Could see about 3 feet in front me, rode with my feet out through some pretty damn deep puddles. What the fuck is it with me and heavy rains? This was almost as bad as the floods I hit in Louisiana last year.

I think I ruined my new Droid too. :(

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ehhh, it's slip sliding, it won't be gone till more like 9:30pm.

Flood warning for Franklin County. Tornado warning East of New Albany.

Severe Thunderstorm warnings everywhere but showed up too late...

edit: really sliding past, with more light rain forming up behind it.

Maybe one more hour till it's gone. (10pm)

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Fuck, as soon as I turned west onto 270 from 71 I knew I was getting my asked kicked. I was waiting to get sucked up into a funnel cloud. Tbone and Laura were ahead of me and got hit too, but they were smart enough to get off the highway earlier.

Everyone else make it home it okay?

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Fuck, as soon as I turned west onto 270 from 71 I knew I was getting my asked kicked. I was waiting to get sucked up into a funnel cloud. Tbone and Laura were ahead of me and got hit too, but they were smart enough to get off the highway earlier.

Everyone else make it home it okay?

I stopped at a gas station for a few minutes till the worst passed. But the engine/electrical got wet and only ran on 2 cylinders the rest of the way home. :mad:

On the radio I heard a tornado was sighted in New Albany...

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Thundering pretty good by IP now. Clouds are rolling in low and FAST. Looks like I'm getting some quick chow and staying my ass inside.

No sooner did I hit submit and the page just starts to refresh, and the power goes out. I think I was out for about 4 hours. Saw lightning so close I swear I saw little fireballs of air immediately after the bolt.

I drove to the New Albany Rd. exit of 161 at about 8:45 and saw no indication of a tornado.

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I got to about the Worthington exit on 270 before it cut loose and this huge clump of leaves and twigs smashed into my windscreen going about 65, so I hauled ass off the highway to a Chase Bank drive thru and sat it out...got totally DRENCHED on the way back to Marysville though. I hope mother nature plays nice next bike night. I heard all the sirens blasting as I was sitting there at the bank thinking "welp, I'm done..." lol. Glad everyone else made it home in one piece. Definitely gotta clean the bike now.


Edited by drew95gt
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so its my second time ever on the highway headed out towards the circuit from new albany where i was at the time.. i see the huge clouds coming out of no where form the east. pulled off at westerville road from 270 to turn around, by the time my newb ass found a big spot to turn around at, the trees were already touching the ground. The rain didnt start yet so i figured i could make it back to new albany. Im waiting to get onto the onramp at the light at westerville rd and 270 and i stall the bike (did i say im a newb?) as i feel it start to drizzle. Maned up and flew to 161 to head east to new albany, staying just in front of the hell the entire time. As I literally pulled into my buddies garage in east New albany right off north hamilton rd was when armageddon hit. pretty scared shitless by far, i was in full gear.. no squiding over here :)

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