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ohio dept of taxation is trying to F me!


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long story short, I forgot to add in my payments from disability insurance from a accident in 2005 in with my tax return. Ok that was a honest mistake. I got a letter from ohio back in july telling me I owe them an extra $76.52. so I paid it.

I get another letter today telling me I owe that same amount but this time they don't include how they figured that amount.

now they added interest etc and it comes to $94.50.

and the kicker is my bank's website (5/3) doesn't show the image of the cashed check. the only one in my account that is MISSING!!!

for some reason I don't think it's a coincidence:mad:

I'll let you all know what happens. I just might go off the deep end and do something that lands me in jail.

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again, just get the physical copy which will answer any and all questions about the check, amount, who accepted the item for deposit, etc...

There are only a few banks who use a system to eliminate the physical item in exchange for electronic, and a payment to the gov't doesn't meet that criteria

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No he is just saying that the check image isnt there, not that the money didnt come out.. There is a difference.

Right, the check image says who got the money.

Ex: You say I owe you $100. I show you a deduction from my checking for $100 saying that was to you. I could've written that check to Bob's Monkey Fuckers. Showing the amount was deducted for your account means nothing. You have to show who it was to.

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Right, the check image says who got the money.

Ex: You say I owe you $100. I show you a deduction from my checking for $100 saying that was to you. I could've written that check to Bob's Monkey Fuckers. Showing the amount was deducted for your account means nothing. You have to show who it was to.

I understand that but.... If the bank withdrew $100 from my account, they are required by law to be able to tell me where the money went or else they have to cover the value of the withdrawal... My point was that if the money was shown as taken out but the bank couldnt tell him why, where, or to who, then they are liable to replace the money.. It lights a fire under their ass real quick to track down the missing money or to just replace it. Not to mention that any extra fees incurred by an individual for an establishment cashing a check to the incorrect person are also re-imbursable to the account holder.

I have gone through this multiple times with the bank.. I know what Im talking about on this one. Its a Fidicuary requirement by law on their part.

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OK, I went to the bank today and got a official printout of the check. it has some numbers stamped on it and my bank was able to tell me right on the paper it was cashed by them with the date time everything you can imagine is on this piece of paper. my bank rules! they said it doesn't show up online because Ohio submitted it electronically.

now I have to try and get in touch with the tax place in Columbus. I guess Ohio isn't too good at keeping proper records. I hope I can rub it in their faces.

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next time you need to cheat on your taxes, that way everything evens out. I feel that the benefits you receive from the government should be directly proportional to the amout of taxes paid.

since im going to iraq then by your theory the government should pay me taxes. too bad youre not president.

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since im going to iraq then by your theory the government should pay me taxes. too bad youre not president.

I think it is called combat pay, but I have already had one family member hurt really bad over there, there is nothing over there for you to risk your life over so be safe.

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