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How about "Street Nightmare"


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They say, "if it weren't for farmers we wouldn't eat". I say, if it weren't for farmers I wouldn't have f'n wrecked today.

I left work early because I started feeling nauseous with a badass headache. My way home takes me on a lot of country roads which is usually great. I started around a curve when I hit dirty gravel left by some farm machinery. My bike slid right off the road into the grass where I tried to slow down and keep it steady. Before I knew it the bike hit something and flipped ass over throwing me into a cow fence and landing on top of me. Damn my ribs hurt.

Isn't there some sort of law that if someone drags dirt and debris onto a road they are responsible for cleaning it up? I mean, nobody seems to give a shit about the two wheelers on the road. Luckily I'm fully insured, but, it still pisses me off. My wife was shaken up pretty bad about it...we have two young children. Plus, I won't be able to ride until it gets fixed.

To wit, I'll grow my own damn garden and raise some chickens or somethings if it means the f'n farmers will keep their muddy ass junk off the road. And I still have a monster headache...


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The rear fender got cut nearly in half by the wire fence, the left turn signal is dangling, the right signal is gone, bent the right crash bar, dented right fork, other various parts bent and dinged. Otherwise just a lot of scratches and sod. I'm glad I was able to soften her landing...:(...but, I still rode her home.

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That sucks to hear but insurance will cover the bike, main thing is you weren't seriously hurt. Gravel and dirt seems to be pretty bad on some country roads around here.

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you should be looking into the turns better (not putting the blame directly on you). there have been a few wrecks in this area where some guys didnt see the gravel in the turn. i have almost went down in turns b/c of stone and one time was b/c of hydraulic oil in the turn. i look thru turns and notice this stuff before hand to where i can slow down enough, or go around it. its never gonna stop, just like people not looking in there mirrors when they switch lanes. thats why US, as bikers, need to watch for this stuff ourselves. i look at the road and through turns as much as i look for cops while im riding, or watching other cars around me.

i hope you are doing ok and get better and back on a bike right away!!!!

That sucks to hear but insurance will cover the bike, main thing is you weren't seriously hurt. Gravel and dirt seems to be pretty bad on some country roads around here.

same here!! glad you werent seriously hurt! thats awesome you can say you rode it home.

Edited by ICEMAN
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If you hit dirt and it was enough to push you wide and off the road, you were either flying at a high rate of speed or you target fixed, tensed up and went off the road...

Farmers aren't to blame. Knowing your surroundings is what you need to keep in mind. It is farm season where they are maintaining fields. Not really a lot of them in and out of fields other than fertilizer rigs. So, it could have been construction, etc.

You also need to understand that it has been VERY wet lately and anything off a paved surface is going to bring up mud onto the surface.

The law is that if debris comes off a truck from poor loading, etc. Not from wheels and coming off the paved surface onto the paved road...

I understand you being upset and being angry, but don't blame the farmers for rider error...

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Yea whatever dude. You fooked up and wanna blame a farmer, pleeze. If you have any riding ability and sense the fact that its farm land and country roads should've clued you into the poss of dirt and gravel on the road. I'd say you were riding over your head and ability and wanna pass the buck, well you've come to the wrong place.

Nice way to make an intro into the OR community, you wont find allot of sympathy here for this.

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I hit dirty gravel left by some farm machinery.

what if it had been clean gravel?

f'n farmers will keep their muddy ass junk off the road.

fuck yourself, without all due respect. glws

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This is a prime reason I don't hit a lot of country backroads hard, and really keep off certain ones as much as possible. Too much machinery traffic, but hey, its their road too. Some backroads are great for nice rides, some are shit. And go look through all the down and fallen rider threads and see where they were. Mostly county road this and county road that. Too many squids think because there aren't many mailboxes or much out there that it's their own private Mid Ohio. And too fast for conditions is too fast, regardless what you're on or where you're at.

However, we're glad you are ok and will live to ride another day. Things could have been worse.

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If you hit dirt...yadda yadda

I understand you being upset and being angry, but don't blame the farmers for rider error...

Yea whatever dude. You fooked up...yadda yadda...Nice way to make an intro into the OR community, you wont find allot of sympathy here for this.

while I agree with these two, that you should have been riding either "better" or "slower" I wouldn't put as much zeal into scolding you for it.

We all have learning experiences, this was one for you. Heal up quick, get her fixed and ride better next time. I'd also suggest an advanced rider course for improving your cruiser riding abilities.

Glad you're ok.

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It was a country road, you should expect these things. Glad youre ok but pull your head out of your ass and be responsible for your own riding.. Prime example of someone wanting to blame someone else for their own mistakes.

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Sorry...guess again. Plus, I don't think the phrase "Holy Shitballs" has ever come out of my mouth.

I wanted to apologize to any one I may have offended. I was realy just pissed off at first. Too many times when something f'ed up happens we second guess everything. Riding, especially in the country, requires that we stay vigilant - ALWAYS. I was put into an impossible situation and I wanted to lash out. Screw it...I'm still here and the bike will get fixed. I didn't want to portray the wrong image of myself. I'm usualy a nice guy and fair.

Now if my f'ing ribs will just heal already...

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I learned real quick that when you're on a nice country road and coming to a nice cambered right hand turn, everybody's gravel driveway washes right down to the apex.

Learned that lesson as well, almost went down from gravel in a pair of switchbacks that had washed down from a driveway during a rainstorm the night before. Front wheel kicked out then caught again sharply on the clean pavement, could have been a nasty wreck from that but somehow I stayed off the brakes and pulled it out. You just have to be more careful around blind corners on country roads, there is always sand and gravel where you least expect it. Hope you get your bike fixed soon and glad you weren't hurt too bad. I would just take it as a lesson learned, not the farmers fault.

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Sorry...guess again. Plus, I don't think the phrase "Holy Shitballs" has ever come out of my mouth.

I wanted to apologize to any one I may have offended. I was realy just pissed off at first. Too many times when something f'ed up happens we second guess everything. Riding, especially in the country, requires that we stay vigilant - ALWAYS. I was put into an impossible situation and I wanted to lash out. Screw it...I'm still here and the bike will get fixed. I didn't want to portray the wrong image of myself. I'm usualy a nice guy and fair.

Now if my f'ing ribs will just heal already...

I just hope you didn't take the comments wrong. I really don't think anyone was trying to make you look like a shitball (had to use that one!) but to let you know that we all make mistakes, and ride over our heads for the conditions presented once in a while. It's unfortunate that you ended up going down as a result, but it sounds like you're going to use it as a learning experience, and become a better rider for it. I hope that how straight forward everyone is doesn't run you off!

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