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Pathetic excuse for a LEO


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Not many people I'd pick over my "personal" pets. They're much better than humans most of the time anyway.

totally with you on this and I don't even have my own pet right now

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No, you got the wrong idea from my post. We treat our animals nearly as well as other people, better than some. There is a line though, and calling animals the same as people is it.

well i dont put a place setting for my dogs at the table or talk to them like they will answer but they are a big part of my family.. and i treat them well because they deserve it. They look after me so its only fair i take care of them.

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so if you had two kids, and someone had them both at gunpoint and said to pick which one lives and which ones dies, you would be able to make that decision easier than if someone had one of yours kid and your DOG at gun point?

if you see where im going with that, you will get what im saying....a dogs life is not as important as a humans, no matter how much you treat it like family

what this confuses me. I would never make that decision IF i had two kids. i would have them take me instead. If it were the case of my dog or my child then duh thats not even the same thing.. I get what your saying but you'll never change my mind on how i feel about my dogs.

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neighbor testifies that she has also been chased by the same dog, the owner of the dog has 3 other bully breed dogs, he also has been convicted of animal abuse and not even allowed to own dogs from 07-09....sounds like the dog was being brought up in a hostile environment, so for it to be aggressive, to me, is not out of the question

i feel bad for the dog, because i feel the owner did not take proper care of it....if it had grown up in a nice household, it wouldnt have been aggressive...the responce call lasted 68 minutes before the officers put the dog down, after attempted to load it in a truck and it getting loose again, they felt they did what they had to do.

i blame the owner for raising the dog wrong, and for not properly restraining the dog

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When I came home yesterday I got one of my twins out and set the car seat on the ground while I got the other car seat out of the car. Next I see a Animal Control van driveby and I'm like WTF are they going so slow for and then a dog runs across my driveway and pass my baby boy. Freaked me out. Now if that dog touched my baby, then I'd kick the shit out of him and snap his neck.

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see.. its an animal, you have to nurture respect them to get respect from them. People like that need to be shot in the head. Poor dog didnt know any better.. I have a pitbull that i rescued and she is the sweetest most tame dog ever!! i want more pits, they "can" be the best dogs, if you raise them right. my pit (roxie) sleeps with my three year old like she knows to watch out for her.

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what ever tomato tomoto.. blah blah..

I was simply telling you why i feel this way, pits have worse reps than a bulldog.

technically, an american bulldog can be considered a pit depending which definition you use

i wasnt trying to correct you, just pointing out the breed

Pit Bull is a term commonly used to describe several breeds of dog in the molosser family. Many breed-specific laws use the term "pit bull" to refer to the modern American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier and English Bull Terrier. However, a few jurisdictions also classify the modern American Bulldog as a "pit bull-type dog". All three breeds share similar history, with origins rooted from the bulldog and a variety of terriers. The term can also refer to dogs that were known as "bull terriers" prior to the development of the modern Bull Terrier in the early 20th century.
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^ still didnt answer why you think the dog in the video isnt an american bulldog?

what about it doesnt look like one? even the owner said in the article thats what breed it is...and it looks like one to me...maybe just a little chubby and not as muscular

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if there is one thing i am defensive about is my dogs.. I have people tell me that I am stupid for owning one with a child and it always puts me on the defensive.. my bad for jumping on your shit like that.. :D damn it dont take that out of context! lol

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Pits are great dogs just idiot owners gave them a bad rep

Exactly. My cousin had a rott, and when the insurance co came around for a "walk by" inspection, they said the dog had to go. The dog was very gentle, good with kids, no reason to have an issue with it. She was rescued from a bad situation, and treated with respect, yet with authority, and was a great companion.

if there is one thing i am defensive about is my dogs.. I have people tell me that I am stupid for owning one with a child and it always puts me on the defensive.. my bad for jumping on your shit like that.. :D damn it dont take that out of context! lol

I'm glad to see that you're not the crazy nutjob that your post made you out to be earlier! :D

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