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115 Miles before it got hot outside


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Left the homestead in Westerville Oh at 8:45am today. Took Rt3 north into Sunbury. Took a left onto 61, then a right onto 656 into Sparta. Picked up 314 in Sparta, through the boom town that is Chesterville Oh, and headed up to Lexington - Mid Ohio Sportscar Course. There' a race of some sort up there today, but that's not why I went there. Don't really know why I went there. You really don't need a reason, direction, or destination, right?

Backtracked down 314 a little bit then picked up SR42. Turned left onto 42 (not sure if that's north or East, but who cares?), then hooked a right onto County road 31 - and when I say County Road, I MEAN COUNTY ROAD!!! Snaked on down between some farms for a bit, dodging horse poop as I roll, saw about a dozen little pygmy goats running around the yard (cute little fellas) till the road dead ends at OH546. Turned left and headed into the outskirts of Lexington. Stopped at the Marathon for a Gatorade, some Twinkies, drained the lizard, and had a smoke (or 2, or 3).

From there I headed down 97, through Bellville Oh and picked up 13 south towards Mt. Vernon. 13 was a nice ride because after a few miles it turns into a divided highway. That was a nice because from there you can fly past all the geezers going 35 on their way to church or wherever.

It's about 11:30am now. Sun is well up in the sky and it's about 400 degrees with 250% humidity. Not to mention I'm straddling an 850cc air cooled four-banger from the 80's. I may as well be sitting on top of a meteor it's so hot!! I'm roasting like a hog now cuz I'm wearing my mesh Joe Rocket (hey, I'd rather be a roast than ground beef if I go down, right?). I rolled on into Mt. Vernon, stopped at Little Cesars for another potty break (damn Gatorade!!), another smoke or three and to let my butt cool down a bit.

Turned south on Rt3 and headed out of town. Waved to a group of sport bikers chilling at the Tasty Freeze or whatever it is up there just outside downtown Mt. Vernon on Rt3. Rounded the corner past 229, stayed on Rt3, opened the throttle and headed for home. Not too windy up there today. Didn't get blown in the other lane this time.

Rolled up the driveway at 12:30pm. Damn near stripped in the driveway it's so freaking hot. Got on here to tell you about it. Heading upstairs for a nice cool shower and a loooooong snooze!!

Ahhhhhh!! There's nothing like 115 miles before the afternoon comes!!!!

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....Waved to a group of sport bikers chilling at the Tasty Freeze or whatever it is up there just outside downtown Mt. Vernon on Rt3. ...

Kent's Cones! Been there once or twice on the way to or from the cabin at Apple Valley.

Sounds like a fun ride!

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To hot for me today. Got some riding in on Friday, did 140miles with the wife,

got her on the highway twice, had her doing almost 80, that was cool.

She's about got the hang of the new bike.

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Yeah it was crazy hot and swampy today. Then to add insult to injury, as I'm flying down 61, out of nowhere I get caught in a downpour. There was one little stinkin' cloud overhead at the time. I decided to head on home after that. lol

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Hey Brian - thanks for the props man. It really was a nice ride. I like to get out early before all the morons that like to go 55mph until about two feet from the stop sign. I like it when there is no one on the road but me.

At one point I came over a hill on 656 only to find two bicyclists in my lane and a pickup coming the other direction.

I hit the brakes so hard I damn near did a stoppie at 60 mph, and down shifted so quickly my tires were chirping from 5th down to 3rd. Maybe that really wasn't horse poop in the road? Maybe that was from me??:o LOL

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Was out from 1pm-5pm today in helmet, leather jacket, gloves, boots, and jeans. I had fun riding my beast with 2 buds. It felt really good when I was riding. When we stopped, sure it got warm, but it's not illegal to sweat in Ohio if you have to. I don't stay in for heat; I may for cold. ;)

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Um yeah, it was warm when you're sitting there waiting for another group to show. 20 bikes all around you with heat wafting out and the sun baking you while you sit in leathers is damn entertaining.

There is one good thing, lots of sweat feels great when you get moving again...assuming you have a jacket with good ventilation.

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Don't feel bad! It was my responsibility to stay. I waved you all on...remember? That was what I was there for....to make sure no one got left.

It didn't matter if 10 people were there or not...that bike wasn't starting without a jump. First time I've seen that.

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