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Got backed into...kinda onto, need advice.


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We would be happy to get you an estimate on your bike. The first questions is do you still want to keep you bike. If so, taking it to Aucbach, is not going to work out so much. It will get totaled, I can almost promise you. This is because of a high labor rate. We on the other hand only have a labor rate of $65/hr, not to mention our access to endless used parts to assist in making the repair cheaper. When I say cheaper, I do not mean any less quality. The cheaper helps, because one the damage dollar amount on your bike reaches a certain percentage, it will be totaled. Give my Service Writer, Casey, a call and we will get a truck out to get your bike!

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Little update, the kid that backed into me has his court date tomorrow. Problem is he's 17 and because of this I apparently can't go down and talk to the prosecutor and give my side of the story/present my evidence. Any advice? They won't release any information about it since he's a minor. I'm gonna flip my shit if he goes down there and lies and someone buys his story and he gets off of this.

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