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Any NEO's want to get together?


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I found out a few days ago that my Dad was in the hospital for some intestinal issues. About 2 years ago, he had a pretty serious heart attack, so I'm heading up to N. Ridgeville just to make sure everything's cool before I fly out to Oregon next week. I should have some spare time either tonight or tomorrow night, anyone want to grab a beer someplace? I'm not sure if I'll be driving up tonight or tomorrow morning.

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Ride up and do the Poker Run with me tomorrow.

I had that on my calendar, but it somewhat defeats the purpose of family time if I'm not out with the family. ;) I'll run it past him, but can't make any promises.

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Well, if it's Saturday evening, I might be riding south for MidOhio... so you'll be in NEO all by yourself. And in Ridgeville. Double sucker whammy :D

As I've spent my first 21 years there, I think I can handle it. If anyone wants to find me, I'll be at C. Mulligan's with all the other townies. :)

Actually, I'll probably be at the brewpub next to Mulligan's. Have some fond memories of walking there (used to live on Pitts) with my grandpa when it was a bowling alley.

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Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest.

The Lord frowns upon you minorities and your Tremont excursions of hippie hedonism - both of you (I know you have liberal hippie friends too Inya)

Sunday, eh?


Shomer f*cking Shabbos!

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Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest.

The Lord frowns upon you minorities and your Tremont excursions of hippie hedonism - both of you (I know you have liberal hippie friends too Inya)

I can't seem to catch a break. The NAACP keeps sending this to me:


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I'll be in Tremont sometime on Sunday...gotta check it out. Saturday night I'll be watching drunks at Mulligans.

if you see 2 asians, 1 cuban, and anywhere from 1~5 whities running amok around 5pm-ish through the streets, that'll be us.

i plan on eating some mac and cheese.

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You have two jobs now. You don't need the money. Why you out doin' that to yourself? Its just for the fun of it, isn't it. :nono:

You know how you do something for so long, when you stop doing it, you miss it? That.

come on wendy your first glass of wine is on me..

Awww...you tryin' to get me tipsy?:takeit:

I need to get out of the house. Gonna take a shower and see what happens.

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