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Mid-Ohio AMA Superbike 2010


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quote of the weekend by my brother, Jake, commenting on the cruiser guy who did a burnout with his chick shaking her tits while standing on the passenger pegs:

"you see what that guy did there? He saw that people were cheering for burnouts, and cheering for boobies, and he combined the two. cheers to you, sir!" (takes large swig of coors original.)

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quote of the weekend by my brother, Jake, commenting on the cruiser guy who did a burnout with his chick shaking her tits while standing on the passenger pegs:

"you see what that guy did there? He saw that people were cheering for burnouts, and cheering for boobies, and he combined the two. cheers to you, sir!" (takes large swig of coors original.)


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After about the 8th time that girl on the top of the white van rolled through, I was almost hoping that she would slide off the roof. I was one row over from the burnout area. There were 2 girls on a green flatbed golf kart type thing, on the side road, doing things I have only heard about in movies.

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yeah, the girl on the van was... well, she was trying pretty hard. I'll be nice and leave it at what I said when I saw her about the third time: "i'm glad I'm drunk for this; it's making that broad tolerable, but honestly, i'm more impressed that that piece of shit van can still rip a decent burnout."

BTW - i saw the van the next day parked in the infield. I'll be shocked if that right rear tire made it all the way home.

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the bike burnouts were making me nervous as hell too! I saw that they had the burnout board up against one of the marker poles so it didn't shoot out and kills someone, but they had the front wheel of the bike(s) against a log with people holding the forks in place by hand.

I kept moving away from the fronts of the burnout bikes and picturing the headline, "2 die, 12 injured in motorcycle camping accident at Mid-Ohio"

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I kept moving away from the fronts of the burnout bikes and picturing the headline, "2 die, 12 injured in motorcycle camping accident at Mid-Ohio"

I'm surprised there were no headlines about everyone getting arrested.

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There were 2 girls on a green flatbed golf kart type thing, on the side road, doing things I have only heard about in movies.

with no photographic evidence I do not believe you :p

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There were 2 girls on a green flatbed golf kart type thing, on the side road, doing things I have only heard about in movies.

I believe Joe (MoJo). Jason(non member) and myself encountered these ladies. If they are the same, Joe awarded them a chem light for an unspeakable act.

Great weekend of racing, sight seeing, meeting members I haven't met before and talking to ones that I know.

BTW, your headlight is out. :D

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