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I've only been to the gap once since 07 when I got my ticket.

the cops are just way overbearing. it's not even remotely fun there anymore.

plus they make you show up for court. there is no paying it out etc.

last time the court had over 400 moving violations tickets. I spent the better part of a whole day there waiting for my turn.

fucking ridiculous.

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I've only been to the gap once since 07 when I got my ticket.

the cops are just way overbearing. it's not even remotely fun there anymore.

I disagree whole-heartedly.

It's very easy to manage a dragon run without getting a ticket if you approach it logically.

1. Don't go balls out your first run. Use it as a sighting lap and to get a feel for how much traffic and LEO presence there is.

2. Don't go at peak times. This one is pretty simple, the dragon gets more dangerous when the traffic density increases. To curb this, they raise enforcement to help reduce overall traffic speed. Go in the morning, evening or pretty much any weekday.

3. Don't ride like a complete moron. Yes, you have a sportbike and you want to ride it like it was made to be ridden, but gues what? The LEOs like to hang out near the ends of the straighter fast sections to stop the especially reckless riders.

The cops up there let a surprisingly large amount of stuff slide up there. When the limit was dropped to 30 during the rock slide, they were giving out verbal warnings for up to 10 over. It isn't in the best interest of the officers to give out a huge number of tickets and they typically only give them to those that earn it.

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someone I know just came back from there and said the cops were there all week. sat-wed (when he left) from 7am to dark.

all I know is, you DO NOT want a ticket there. like I said, you HAVE to show up to court. unless you pay a lawyer to.

I got a ticket on the cherehola. it's only 45 and he was coming the opposite way.

I don't mind paying for a ticket. it's the whole you have to show up to court thing that was bs.

and I'm not lying about how many people were there in court. they had to set up 3 lines and 3 judges to handle all the people. all of them were there for some kind of traffic offence.

400 of us they said before they started the hearings.

they lowered my speed but you have to pay court fees etc. which turned out to be more than the ticket.

Edited by serpentracer
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The couple times that I've been there, the LEO's weren't all that bad. A friend of mine got hit doing 130 on the Hellbender. The officer let him go with a warning to "keep it under 100" Rode the Skyway and the Dragon several times. No LE0's on the skyway and minimal on the Dragon

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like I said, I know I was speeding, I don't mind getting caught. (52 in a 45) it's coming all the way back to pay a ticket that's bullshit.

they don't let you just mail it in.

they want that court cost money too. because they're crooks.

so you know there's another day off work, gas to get there, etc etc. court costs were $140.

$140 court costs

$75 ticket

$60 gas

$120 a day lost wages

$60 hotel room

$25 food


so that's what I paid for one ticket. it's not worth going back to the gap. the cops are just too over bearing and the laws are set up to really screw out of state drivers.

as for paying a lawyer to show up. that was a bigger waste of money. they wanted a min of $500. then you still might have to pay the ticket.

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someone I know just came back from there and said the cops were there all week. sat-wed (when he left) from 7am to dark.

all I know is, you DO NOT want a ticket there. like I said, you HAVE to show up to court. unless you pay a lawyer to.

I got a ticket on the cherehola. it's only 45 and he was coming the opposite way.

I don't mind paying for a ticket. it's the whole you have to show up to court thing that was bs.

and I'm not lying about how many people were there in court. they had to set up 3 lines and 3 judges to handle all the people. all of them were there for some kind of traffic offence.

400 of us they said before they started the hearings.

they lowered my speed but you have to pay court fees etc. which turned out to be more than the ticket.

Where you in TN or NC? I got nailed in TN on 129 for 67 in a 30, fine was $236 and I paid if from Ohio.

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Just got back, it was a blast! Hit the dragon every day we were there, only saw one leo yesterday. Loved the cherohala too, rode that twice, once at night (last night) it was excellent. Hit some super nice roads down in georgia too. Waiting for killboy to post up some pics. If you have never been you should definitely go, but haul your bikes down the ride back to cinci is a drag...

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NC speeding story. About 10 years ago, on 77 south heading to Charlotte. I was a line of 5 cars. We all were probably going close 100. A trooper and some backup taking radar on an entrance ramp pulls all 5 of us over. The trooper asked if we knew how fast we were going. I told the officer I was not sure, just keeping up with traffic. The officer said he did not know how fast we were going either, but that he clocked the car we were passing at 95 MPH. He said anything 20 MPH over the limit is an arrestable offense. He wrote the ticket for 19 over. The fine plus court cost was about $125 and we got to mail it in.

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