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might sell the max

Steve Butters

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might be selling the vmax....mixed feelings.... if i sell it, ill have the rest of my loan paid off and be 100% debt free (with enough left over for my CCW) and ill be able to get a good start on my savings since ill be graduating hopefully sometime next year....on the other hand, ill be without a bike and i have no intentions of buying another until im outta school, so probably winter 2011 or spring 2012 ill be in the market again....having mixed feelings - im not desperate to sell it - not at all...i just dont really enjoy the bike enough to justify keeping it...it sucks having to push myself to my absolute limit just to keep up with a moderate group ride, i lack experience, and the bike just isnt made for carving up corners....in a year or two when im ready to get another one, i dont know what ill be in the market for - sport bike, cruiser, sport touring, hell idk....but as of right now, i just dont ride it that much...thoughts?

its been posted on CL and i have someone wanting to come with cash and look at it...really only posted it as a feeler, and i put a decent price on it where i think im coming out OK - im not giving it away

its different now than the last time though, because this time its listed for sale by choice and not because i am in a bind

ill easily have 5-6k in my savings by the end of next year if i sell it...which could really help me get out on my own and get my life started....trying to prioritize a little bit here

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I've done this with a couple cars and now the 636 where I didn't know if I wanted to keep it or not. My theory was always throw it up on Craigslist for more than its worth and if there is someone wanting to pay that much for it, then I'd let it go. But I have always been in the lucky situation that if I wanted to I could replace it with something else

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I have been there myself, and looking back I found myself wishing I still had a bike I sold. If its not hurting you to keep it, my advice is to keep it if you truly enjoy THAT bike. If its just a bike, and we've all had one or two of those, then only you know what's best for ya. But regret is worse than thoughts of what if. You can talk yourself out of the "what if.." thoughts, but you can't undo something you regret. Either way, good luck with whatever decision you come to. And with school.

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i enjoy this bike when im riding alone, just not when im riding with anyone else lol

and i dont need to sell it, it wont hurt me to keep it in the slightest, but if i do sell it i wont be replacing it until a better time.... kinda one of those, i can afford to keep it, but cant afford to replace it if it was gone

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"Pushing my limits to keep up with the group" grabbed my attention. Thats rarely a good thing. If you don't use it, and don't have a sentimental attachment to it, maybe its time to let it go. Sounds like it may not really fit your needs down the road, anyhow. Flip side is that bikes are selling for relatively cheap right now, and it may not command now what it might in the future. But then, the economy could get even worse with all the new taxes and regs coming down the road. The Max appeals to a pretty specific set of riders. Tough choice. If its just sitting most of the time, and you're paying insurance and registration on it, you need to weigh that cost/ benefit ratio. Best of luck.

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i'm where you are right now. Do i sell the warrior and buy a sportbike, or do i keep the warrior and buy a sportbike in the spring?

like you, i'm pushing this thing to the edge trying to keep up with my sportbike buddies, but i also have cruiser buddies.

decisions decisions. grrr, i would make mad profit on the warrior.

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i'm where you are right now. Do i sell the warrior and buy a sportbike, or do i keep the warrior and buy a sportbike in the spring?

like you, i'm pushing this thing to the edge trying to keep up with my sportbike buddies, but i also have cruiser buddies.

decisions decisions. grrr, i would make mad profit on the warrior.

keep it and get a sportbike in the spring. You handle that thing pretty damn well if I might say for being a cruiser. It is a pretty badass ride

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im really only 2k in debt at the moment, so its not a big deal since my monthly payment on my loan is piss cheap lol...

its coming down to when i graduate - having 5-6k in my savings or 2-3k

insurance and all that doesnt matter to me, my insurance is so cheap now that i paid it in 2 payments and im good to go until next summer...was like $240 for the year

like i said - i have no urgency to sell it, but i thought ide post it for shits and giggles but now that i have a hit on it, i have to actually consider it

i dont see myself riding it forever....but i wouldnt mind keeping it as a second bike i suppose

maybe i just need to get out and ride more often and get better...you fuckin guys kill me on group rides though lol ....im either stuck in a group so slow i wanna take a nap, or i get stuck with people i cant hardly keep up with - i only can catch up in the straights lol.....theres doesnt seem to be a middle ground....hell ive ended up riding by myself a few times because im too far behind the fast group, but too far in front of the slow group

i dont really commute on the bike, i only use it for OR stuff or goin riding with radio flyer lol

ill commute on it when its not so damn hot though

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I'm sort of in the same boat with my Camaro, except that I need to do some work on it before I could sell it. I would really like to keep it, as it's not costing me a dime just sitting there, but at the same time, it's just going to deteriorate. If I sell it, I could probably get enough to get another bike, and put the VF500 up as a project. Right now, I have very little interest in a project car, since I've been bitten by the bike bug! :lol:

If you want to have more money saved up, just get another part time job! :lol:

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if the payment is piss cheap and you enjoy it keep it. I have sold shit when my savings dropped, but when it drops i always find a way to get it back up. Prioritize what your spending your money on and go from there. It's always cheaper to ride than to drive a car. And if you're pushing your limits practice some more by yourself. Or who cares if your at the back of the pack. At least your out!

With that all being said. I do have a buddy looking to sell his bike for like $700-800. I dont remember what it is, a 650 something.

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Heck for $60 a month, why not keep it. I spend more than that on beer. I can tell you that it's nice to have some variety with the cycles. When you are in a better financial position, upgrade.

On the other hand, if you really don't like the bike, do what others have said and list it for a reasonable yet high price, and wait for someone more attached to it to buy it. Go get something you like better. No point in riding something you don't love. I found that out with the ST1100 I had for a while. I HATED that bike... well, maybe hated is too strong. I never had any kind of attachment at all to it. It was the most appliance-like motorcycle I've ever owned. I absolutely love my V-strom that replaced it.

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Keep it until you can afford another, then sell it at that time and buy the bike you want.

im starting to lean towards this - despite getting a real good offer on it, i guess even if i cant sell it this high next year when im ready to upgrade, ill have atleast ridden it enough to get my moneys worth

and like i said, im not actually worried about my truck payment, hell its so small its auto withdrawn from my savings and i dont even pay attention to it lol

but i got a nice offer on the bike and thought i might let it go - may not get the same offer twice....but the more i think about it, slow bike is better than no bike at all

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If you have a great offer, sell it. Bank half and buy a cheap sport bike so when you're ready to make a larger investment, you'll have a better idea of what you want. You will regret not having any bike. I'd also make the effort to commute. Use it as transportation instead of purely recreation. IMO

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If you have a great offer, sell it. Bank half and buy a cheap sport bike so when you're ready to make a larger investment, you'll have a better idea of what you want. You will regret not having any bike. I'd also make the effort to commute. Use it as transportation instead of purely recreation. IMO

i wouldnt buy something cheaper - ide pay off my debt and save for something i actually want...no point to get rid of my bike and get one i like even less lol....and the offer i got isnt ground breaking or anything, but its more than i would pay for it if i was in the market lol

and i commute on it when its nice out, but i work at like 3am, and its too damn early for me to ride...i am awake for 15mins in the mornings before im in my truck driving to work, i hate riding when im half asleep like that - especially when its hot and nasty out

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I've been tempted to sell mine too, just because I don't ride it that much. I thought about selling it and getting something later on, but not sure. I could use the money to pay other stuff off as well, but my wife told me to keep it for another year to see how i feel then. Because of the baby and school I have only ridden it twice this year. I love it, but obviously could do without it, but I have one week left of school and I'm done, so we will see.

If you are more of a group rider and not a loner then get something you will like and can keep up at a pace you enjoy. I have a sportbike and I can hardly keep up with everyone and feel comfortable with the ride. Maybe because I don't ride it often enough to really know what it can do, and what I can do on it.

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