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A game called TAG v NEO edition bitches

El capitan

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You Mentor guys know where this one is, but it was starting to rain on the way home and I didn't want to melt trying to find a really good one. I will try to go south next time.....


Just to be clear that sign says Squire's Castle and it is in a metropark. And yes that is the castle in the backround. I thought i grabbed my camera, but when I got all the way to Tinker's it was not with me. So crappy cell phone pics it is. Next time they will be better.

Edited by Civil Rider
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Lost could probably get the new tag without even starting his bike. That is at the begining, or end, (depending on which way you are going) of a great road that is in north east Ohio

I won't be out till Saturday at best. Busy week at work planned. I would like to see the tag go south. I've been over and over the roads around here and it's getting boring. It's only spring :nono: Maybe I should move. :wtf:

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I won't be out till Saturday at best. Busy week at work planned. I would like to see the tag go south. I've been over and over the roads around here and it's getting boring. It's only spring :nono: Maybe I should move. :wtf:

I've been reading some of the old ride threads you posted and realized I beat a dead horse by tagging squires :nono:. If no one gets it by Friday, Saturday I'll go get a new, more southerly location.

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A quick tag is better than no tag at all.... we should make this freeze tag! you can't leave until someone tags you!

or last year when I used my 636 to get a tag I'd already gotten with the VFR :D

If I wasn't feeling like complete shit, I was going to get it tonight and move it down towards Akron but alas I could barely get off the freakin couch

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I will be going in out 30-45 min to get the squires tag, but (weather permitting of course) I won't be going down to cbus until tomorrow. If anyone wants to get the tag and move it first that's cool, or if anyone wants to ride and get it then pm me or something (short notice, I know). I could wait a little if someone is waiting to get off work to ride


Got it, new tag will be posted tomorrow sometime. I don't know the rules, but again, if anyone gets the other tag and a new one before I post go ahead and keep the game going!



---edit x2---tag!---

Be careful of lots of dead animals on most every road. Also, on 208 there is some construction on a plot of land so some of the road is covered in dirt, and there is this weird blind, change in elevation, unmarked sharp turn to watch out for (after the construction I believe?). This one is for you speedy, hope its close enough to where you wanted, now go out and get it!



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I ran across this thread while lurking/surfing and I just had to register. I did notice that the tag was over the line into SE OH (green dot on map).


I didn't want to whine, bitch, snivel, and moan about this on my very first post since I'll be doing that on all my subsequent posts ;), so I hit the road Sunday afternoon to play tag. Got my new tag picture on the way down and took rt 83 back north, a lovely stretch of pavement, all hills and twisties. :D

The two state route signs don't seem like much of a landmark, but the real sight is across the road from the signs. The Muskingum River runs parallel to the road and is spanned by a metal link suspension bridge built in 1914 but now closed to traffic.


Edited by LordKanon
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Nice! Good to see this thing going again. When are you going to set the next. I'm gonna ride this weekend.

lets get something planned for saturday? I was actually gonna ask you about riding down to this tag saturday but now we'll have to wait and see

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First, here is a pic of the Dresden suspension bridge mentioned in my last post:


And the new tag:


Ridge street in Akron. The Bridges are actually the two branches of the All American Bridge (known to locals as the Y bridge).

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lets get something planned for saturday? I was actually gonna ask you about riding down to this tag saturday but now we'll have to wait and see

I missed this post, and I did yard work all day anyways. I'm going to ride with my father in law on Sunday if you want to try to meet up.

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I missed this post, and I did yard work all day anyways. I'm going to ride with my father in law on Sunday if you want to try to meet up.

thats alright I ended up working on the vfr today and then being out waiting for 2.5hrs in the park til a truck showed up to pick up my friends dead bike

Shoot me a text tomorrow, it depends on time and what not

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thats alright I ended up working on the vfr today and then being out waiting for 2.5hrs in the park til a truck showed up to pick up my friends dead bike

Shoot me a text tomorrow, it depends on time and what not

will do

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