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Power 2CTs or Road 2s


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Buying new tires for the 6 and think I'm leaning toward these two options. I don't ride any track events and I do a fair amount of highway commuting, but I like getting out into the twisties. The Road 2's would set me back ~$300 and the Power 2CT I can have at ~$230. Is the higher price worth it for a tire with a longer life vs added traction? How many miles can I expect out of either? Are there other options I should consider? Thanks in advance for any advice. O, btw, picking these up tomorrow so post quickly :)

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$300 for a set of road2's seems high I have seen them cheaper. the roads will last twice as long as the 2ct will. Or split the difference and get a set of pilot powers for $197 a set with free shipping. Will get good miles and still grip good? http://www.motosport.com/motorcycle/product/MICHELIN-PILOT-POWER-MOTORCYCLE-TIRE-COMBO/?catalogId=114920

$279 free shipping for the road 2 for the size you need. http://www.motosport.com/motorcycle/product/MICHELIN-PILOT-ROAD-2-FRONT-REAR-TIRE-COMBO/?catalogId=114922

Edited by speedytriple
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I run the Pilot Roads on my Busa, and get about 5-6000 out of them. Given not many tires that will grip with the bike and still get decent life out of them. It has been the best that I have tried so far. Might try something else in the near future though.

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Keep in mind the profile's a bit different between the two as well. The Roads have a round shape so they handle about the same at all different angles. The 2CTs are more pointed so they turn in quicker but they kinda want to stay leaned over.

I had Road2s on my last bike and have 2CTs on the current one. I do notice a bit more grip with the 2CTs, but for road riding I don't think it's enough to matter much. I'd say go with whatever you can comfortably afford. Both great tires, and if the 2CTs don't last as long... well, you paid less for them anyway.

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I just had this same dilemma.

I'm used to running the Power 2CTs and the traction I get from them... it was suggested by some of the guys I ride with that know my riding style that I probably wouldn't be better on the Road2's only because I'm used to the feel and traction of the PP 2cts.

Another comparison is looking at it like it's cheap insurance - too much traction isn't hurting anything. Too little when you need it most... and well, it's not worth the durability.

I spent most of my time commuting, but the occasional times I'd ride down south, I was happy with the PP 2cts. I got 4600 miles from my rear, and I'm still working on the front -- 2003 Suz SV1000S.


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The Road 2s have plenty of grip to lean all the edge of the tire. I've pushed them hard an never had an issue.

Sidewinder's assessment of the profile is accuate. It's predictable turn in, but not as quick. Not necessarily a bad thing.

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Good choice on the Road2's. I currently have 5k miles on mine with long highway trips, fully loaded and then beating on them down in the Deal's Gap area. They aren't squared at all. Plus they offered me the same level of grip and feedback on the road, as the PP's did. This is/was on my FZ1.

The biggest thing, I ran 38F/42R for the highway part and 33F/36R for the twisties. Great tire.

For the track, I've been a huge fan of the PP 2CT's...but will try the Pure's once my current mish mash set weats out on the RC.

A normal street rider, will not out ride the Road2's on the street...unless you are ham fisted with a high HP motor.

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I have R2s on the 03 Z and the SV. Love em.

I can say the Dunlop Qualifiers on the 08 are not nearly as grippy. Tar snakes make me shit myself while sliding around like a lubed midget on a rubber sheet.

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