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The Government wants to suck you dry


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Cheech, Where have you visited, what did you see that is better than America, what kept you from moving there, and why are you still living here?

I've been to the United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama, Haiti, Jamaica, Peru....

Seriously, if you want the list, it's Canada, Mexico (multiple places), Czech Republic, China, and Australia. The fact that some countries have a constitutional right to healthcare and the well being of their citizenry is quite interesting to me, and I would love to have something like that adopted in the US. I've been asked by a few people overseas why we resist it, and really couldn't give them a good answer. There's more, but I don't have a ton of time to expound on that topic.

I'm still living here because I choose to. Would I live overseas for 6 mo/year? You bet your ass I would. At the end of the day, however, this is still my home.

Is it true that even though Obama said that absolutely, positively nobody making under $150k, then $200k, and finally $250k (as his campaigning rolled along) would pay any more taxes than they were at that time, but that taxes have already been raised? I don't get a salary/ standard paycheck, so don't have anything solid to compare to (other than my quarterly taxes), but have heard that peoples checks are smaller than they were when he got elected. New/ larger/ additional payroll taxes of some sort.

I've heard that with every paycheck I'm getting 1000 bucks withheld for the Human Fund. Is google broken for you?

I have probably been in more countries than you have states... Been in many countries... been in there hospitals... been in there schools... You dont want to have that argument...

Perhaps so, but if you'd stop watching Rocky IV on repeat all day you might understand that the USA is not the all-knowing, 800# juggernaut that it once was. Sure, our military (which I assume is the background you have) is ridiculously powerful, but that's come at the expense of education, infrastructure, healthcare, and a ton of other things that matter more on a day-to-day basis than the latest and greatest smart bomb.

I have to add to the fun pictures, I want to win too :(


I guess chevy got his wish with a fight regardless of the original topic. You know this thread got started by talking about long established tax laws? Now we are on the verge of being derailed into a straight up left v right debate.

I love facts and sources, the problem with them is 98% of people (http://www.factsaboutpeople/all.../38345.html) don't pay attention or fact check people's claims even with sources. This discussion was derailed from the start, so lashing out at people for not having facts immediately is a little harsh. It would be a different story if this was the original topic of discussion.

You never or going to change each others' points of view, its painfully obvious as nothing has been conceded on either side. So for the sake of argument, maybe personal attacks should be left out and each point in a post be matched with a rebuttal. Also, generalized claims based on a single point should be left out, no one is fooled by that here. I was enjoying the discussion for a while, lets get back to that. Also, most of you are winning right now anyway, at least half of you are probably posting from work. Getting paid for being on OR is definitely a win in my book.

who the hell are you, the internet referee?

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who the hell are you, the internet referee?

I am the guy trying to promote a conversation about the good and bad of the US in a logical manner. Who are you, the guy that can't even make a post without getting his emotions all involved instead of just using logic and debating? :supergay:

Seriously though, if you took 2 seconds to look at my post you would see it shouldn't be taken that seriously. Emoticons, followed by a lame picture that obviously upset you, then a hyperlink (which, by the way, isn't real at all, I just wrapped tags around some jargon separated by an ellipsis). Sorry I can't chime in when I want, I guess? Thought this was an open forum. Why don't you go back to telling everyone how great your life is and how bad everything else is without giving any room for a discussion on a solution, I will leave you to it.

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I am the guy trying to promote a conversation about the good and bad of the US in a logical manner. Who are you, the guy that can't even make a post without getting his emotions all involved instead of just using logic and debating? :supergay:

Seriously though, if you took 2 seconds to look at my post you would see it shouldn't be taken that seriously. Emoticons, followed by a lame picture that obviously upset you, then a hyperlink (which, by the way, isn't real at all, I just wrapped tags around some jargon separated by an ellipsis). Sorry I can't chime in when I want, I guess? Thought this was an open forum. Why don't you go back to telling everyone how great your life is and how bad everything else is without giving any room for a discussion on a solution, I will leave you to it.

Hehehehe, you are a luscious noobie aren't you...

First off my little cupcake, you are certainly not the first one to post xkcd, and certainly not the first to post that panel here. If you seriously think I'm upset about a xkcd comic, you need to do a lot more reading and lurking.

Secondly, I'm truly happy for you that you can wrap some whoojiwhuts around some thingys separated by more different thingys. Good for you. I recommend going outside and basking in your glory.

Honestly, bashing the "the guy that can't even make a post without getting his emotions all involved instead of just using logic and debating?" is just too easy, and is proof positive that you didn't bother to read anything about the Politics forum community and are just spouting off bullshit.

But hey, take 2 seconds and don't take my post seriously. Or do, whatever makes you happy.

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