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Ohio River Ride...Second attempt.


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Well the attempt last Saturday fell through, so I am going to try it again this weekend. Same route and times as last thread. The weather looks good for this weekend. Here is the information from the last thread....

I am planning to ride to Pomeroy this Saturday. We will be leaving Pataskala around 9-9:30 in the morning. We'll stop in Lancaster if anyone wants to meet down there instead of Pataskala. We'll probably make a stop or 2 between Lancaster and Pomeroy. We are eating at the Wild Horse in Pomeroy and then riding back. Here is a link to the Wild Horse Cafe:


I know there are other ways to get there but 33 is the route we are taking.

Let me know if your interested.

EDIT: We will be meeting at the Sunoco on 256 in Pickerington at 9:30 in the morning. See the map on the second page for route we will be taking. Please note there will be various bikes and riders. The pace will be moderate. Hoblick will be leading and I'll most likely ride in the back. If you have any questions PLEASE let me know.

Edited by Meanie
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I'm planning on taking 158 down to 33, Depends where people want to meet. There are a few options to getting out to 33 from 158. Normally I'd come out by the Harley shop. But I can go through downtown or whatever doesn't really matter. I don't mind taking back roads, actually I prefer it, but I won't be flying, my father-in-law will be with us and some other guys on cruisers.

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any chance you wanna do a little different route?

i wanna go for sure, but 33 is gonna be boring as all get out.

i can make a route up if your up for it..

im down with taking 33 on the way back, but the way down i wouldnt mind something a little more exciting/scenic

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Hob make up your route for the way down there, XFZ make up your route for the way back. However just so both of you are aware, if we get lost or have to turn around I get to kick you in the balls once for every U-turn we have to make....;)

Let's see the routes. I don't have a problem going back roads down there, actually I'd prefer it as I said before. As long as it's a decent pace and we aren't loosing anyone I don't care.

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Man, i wish i was closer for this... busy weekend also. :( i take it this will be a croozer event?

Dude, ride that bike down here and go along....it'll be fun.

No, there is no bike specification. I think there will be a mix of bikes, but mostly croozer type. So far it looks like there will about 10 of us riding down. We need to setup a location to meet in Lancaster. Anyone have any suggestions?

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Hob make up your route for the way down there, XFZ make up your route for the way back. However just so both of you are aware, if we get lost or have to turn around I get to kick you in the balls once for every U-turn we have to make....;)

Let's see the routes. I don't have a problem going back roads down there, actually I'd prefer it as I said before. As long as it's a decent pace and we aren't loosing anyone I don't care.

cool deal it will be an easy to follow route.. hell i can even print out the route if anyone wants it.

ill get on it tonight and have it on google maps by tomorrow

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but it is a 3 hr ride down and about 2.5 hrs back

once you get to L on the map we will get back on to 13 and then rt 256 back into pickerington.

im down to meet up somewhere in pickerington in the morning you said 9:30? that sounds good to me.

just tell me where, im thinking the sunoco or something??

me and the wife will be going, and maybe 2 - other people

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Yeah, cause calling me names always makes me want to be around you. Moosypoo.


I'm not feeling a poker run this weekend. I've done quite a few this year. I just want to ride. We donate to the fallen officers fund all the time. Well the wife does, so in essence I do too. That and I'm around too many coppers as it is. Silly bastards coming to my house all the time.

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Yeah, cause calling me names always makes me want to be around you. Moosypoo.


I'm not feeling a poker run this weekend. I've done quite a few this year. I just want to ride. We donate to the fallen officers fund all the time. Well the wife does, so in essence I do too. That and I'm around too many coppers as it is. Silly bastards coming to my house all the time.

luvs ya bubby...:D If this wasn't the first one of the year for me I'd be going with you tools....;)
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