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Who are the Bass Masters here?

KL9 F4i

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I've been fishing a few times this year, everytime to the same private pond. Catching Bluegill, Large Mouth, and Catfish. I think the largest Bass was about 14" and the largest catfish was about 22". It's catch and release only, but still fun. My daughter who is 3 caught a 10" large mouth by herself. I cast the line and while I was baiting my hook, she yelled I got a fish. I laughed and when I turned around I saw her little pole dame near bent in half. I ran over and held on to her and looped my fingers around the pole so she didn't lose it. But she reeled it in all by herself. She was very happy.

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I thought this was going to be a thread about Victor Wooten...

Jaco (r.i.p.) or Stanley. </thread>

Yellow Mister Twisters and Brookside Country Club Pond in Columbus, just sneak through the trees. Park your moped in the bushes across 161... :D

Or, Lake Matinenda in Blind River, Ontario during spawning season (found out after the fact, didn't do it on purpose). 3 - 5 pounders all day long, to the point it got boring.

Lake Knox in Knox County is OK. Sometimes great, sometimes nothing.

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If it smells like fish it's a dish

If it smells like cologne, leave it alone.

Seriously though, we should set up a fishing trip. I'm a huge fan of the walleye run on the Maumee River. It's March 1 - April 30. I know some bad ass places to fish on the Maumee River.

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true story... What music would be if jaco was still around...

Saw Weather Report at the Agora (now the Newport) in way back in '79 or '80. Awesome, awesome show.

Saw Stanley Clarke and George Duke (touring together as the Clarke/Duke project), again at the Agora/Newport in '81 or '82. Had a table down on the main floor, Stanley got on our table and played School Days 1 foot from us. Yet another killer show.


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jblosser, I wish a troll would come up from the ground and kick you in the groin. That's how jealous I am of you right now!!!

But I'm happy to hear someone respects good music around here. And some good bass playin'. I'm not old enough to even have thought about going to a Clark or jaco show. They were both gone before I was even born. :(

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true story... What music would be if jaco was still around.

But I'm down for a fishing weekend I haven't been fishing in two years, that's the saddest story of my life.

From what i've heard of Jaco, Victor Wooten is a much more talented bassist. Jaco is a better song writer though.

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Lake Knox in Knox County is OK. Sometimes great, sometimes nothing.

i used to like going there but once a lake gets rated as excellent on the ODNR website, its time to find a new place to fish.

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:werd: Who gives a shit about fishing? :nono:

The only thing this thread delivers is a 12 piece box of hot wings' date=' with extra failsauce on the side.[/quote']

Fishing blows. Only thing good to catch is a buzZ


But in all seriousness fishing is a great time if you have some booze and some buddies to go with and want to relax. If im not riding, Im fishing, and if im not doing either of those... well it must be raining...

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Stillwater river for smallmouth, Great Miami river for just about anything, Erie trolling for walleye and the best ever is salmon fishing in Michigan. In Lake Michigan trolling or wading the Pierre Marquette river. There is nothing like hooking up a 20lb pissed off salmon!

I went fishing for grey snapper in the gulf over the summer on a 5hr head boat trip and thats not my kind of fishing. For one the fish arent that big and there were about 50 other people on the boat with you. Two of them were beside me turning every shade of green and pukin the whole time. Man that kid looked like warmed over death. It looked like he just wanted to die.

I've been to the point of almost puking and crappin myself at the same time. Being sea sick has to be the worst. When i go walleye fishing up at Erie every morning while im rigging and setting all the rods i get that jukey feeling. As soon as all the lines are out you can just kick back, watch your boards and then im good the rest of the day.

I'm planning on gettin the boat out this fall. Maybe going to Ceasers Creek and Indian lake.

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Heading to Canada Saturday for MONSTER walleye, smallmouth and pike(and hopefully some muskie). I've been fishing since I was big enough to walk. Used to fish bass tournaments but haven't had the time for a couple years.

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