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Christian Sport Bike Assoc Sept 25th Ride


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I rode with a couple if guys from here this weekend..Different people on both days.. Both days...i was last heh. If Radio Flyer rides like the wind... Then I must ride like a Rock! Doesn't matter to me though.. I have fun.. Thankfully I always seem to make it home safely too.. And that's all that matters to me. Having fun, and making it home safely! I'm truly just happy and thankful that I am able to be on 2 wheels at all! I'll leave the race for first up to you guys!

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I know I don't ride like the wind, lol. I'm just past my first year on 2 wheels so I have a lot to work on and learn as far as riding is concerned.

Dan, I'm sure being on that Busa is a little more difficult than my super small sv.

600zz, yesir, that was the time.

I'm on year #5 and you are doing better than I was after my first year

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There's another that comes from Dayton, maybe you 2 could hook up. He trailers over and has a 2 bike trailer. I cant think of his screen name he's not on here much but John may have contact info for him.

Hmmmm..... I think I like the sounds of this...

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I have sent an email to James to see if he is planning on coming over. Just so you know, you are welcome to come over the night before and sleep at my place. There is plenty of room in the basement for you.

Jcmathis is a great guy... Don't worry... I don't expect you to hear him say anything like.... "it rubs the lotion on it's skin, or else it gets the hose again"

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Alab32....I am the one that trailers his bike from Dayton. I plan on going as of now. You are more than welcome to join me and load your bike up. If something happens and I can't make it, you are still more than welcome to use the trailer. Email me and we can talk about it more. womack0911@woh.rr.com

I actually live in Fairborn near the Nutter Center.

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Alab32....I am the one that trailers his bike from Dayton. I plan on going as of now. You are more than welcome to join me and load your bike up. If something happens and I can't make it, you are still more than welcome to use the trailer. Email me and we can talk about it more. womack0911@woh.rr.com

I actually live in Fairborn near the Nutter Center.

Thank you very much! E-mail sent.

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Just getting a good look at the route. Where are the gas stops gonna be? I comfy up to about 150 miles....so that means at least 2 stops for gas for me and i'm pretty sure there are some bikes that might only get about 120 miles or so....Just putting it out there. :-)

Might i suggest first stop outside Caldwell on 78 and 77 and then again in Cambridge or a little sooner on the second. i think that split is about 150 give or take a mile or 5.....


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