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Deals Gap warning from another forum.


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Something seems fishy here.

Relatively new poster on riderforum -- be nice if someone else could corroborate that account that these two knuckleheads really did what they're accused of.

It'd be a huge dick move for someone to make that up and plaster their faces on the net because of some private grudge that we're all unaware of.

Mr. Skeptical is skeptical of EVERYTHING. Just sayin'

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so how do you admit guilt, get caught in the act, and get let go?

Admitting guilt doesn't make you guilty of something you didn't have the opportunity to do - regardless of your intent.

Imagine I call you and say I'm going to shoot you, and you call the police to your house before I arrive. I tell the police; "I tried to kill him". Does that make me guilty of attempted murder? Well, no, it doesn't. Until I actually attack you I'm not attempting to murder you. I'm preparing to murder you, but you stopped me too soon. There are other charges they could get me on, but not attempted murder. Regardless of my "confession" - I can confess to something I didn't do but that doesnt make me guilty.

Same with the bike.

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The owner of this almost stolen bike and several others here on this forum may be okay with leaving your key in your bike but I sure wouldn't.

Hell, when I ride over to my neighbors house I take my key with me as I know they may want to joy ride my Honda around their yard almost 'making fun' since they are big bad Harley riders.

Last weekend I found that instinct to remove my key to be a good one when I went in my neighbors house and some of them were outside drinking early morning beers.

I looked out the window and said to my husband someone has fucked with my bike cause my helmet has been moved.

When I came outside they asked why I took my key and said they were going to take it for a ride.


I like my neighbors and know they wouldnt destroy my bike.. but you never know who might not not be so nice.

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I'm not sure I'd have been as level headed as the OP...walking out, finding some random Justin Bieber haircut sportin douchefag wearing my gear, sitting on my bike...I'm just sayin...


The stupidity of men...well in this case justin beiber childlike, spineless little juveniles can run rampant as we all know. That day, i surely wouldn't have helped the cause. Reverting back to cave man brain activity, ceasing to have rational thoughts...i would have close lined the little piece of shit. Possible damage to the bike? Worth it...as i stood over the thief and showered him with the golden victory (urine) of the day.

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