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Buying a bike 3 hours away then riding home?


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If its the bike you want get it don't settle for something else. If you finance it you will be under it for a while. If you have to wait now for what you want save your money to get what you want. If you finance and then want something else you can either suck it up and settle or sell it for less then you owe and be that much short on money you could use towards the one you really want. Also don't buy one on a whim, you may regret it. Research the bikes you are interested in and talk to people who ride them find out what they like and dislike about it. Most will not admit to not liking their bike so you may have to ask what they would change about the bike to make it better. If its a great deal on the other hand you need to jump on it and can't use the above advice so its a judgment call on your part. Don't let 2 days of driving keep you from the bike you want.

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Man, you guys have been really helpful! I appreciate it. Unfortunately, the Bonneville has sold already. It seems the used ones sell faster than I can find them.

I did go look at a Sportster last night. A 97 with 6000 miles for less than 3k. The guy practically insisted that I ride it. It was in great shape and fit me well. Apparently he bought it for his wife, but she didn't like it much. Now their moving to Tennessee and selling it. I was told that he still maintains it and runs it frequently. He had another bike and a couple cars that were all in great condition.

Only reason I'm financing is that I've convinced myself I need it now so I can ride it until it gets too cold and know what adjustments to make over winter. :) I hope to pay back the loan in about a year, and it seems cheap enough that I wouldn't lose more than a couple hundred dollars for a few months of riding if I hate it.

I'm sure it won't be my last bike either. I definitely see a Bonneville in my future.

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Harley's do maintain their resale value.

To Imprez:

Watch the "sales" associates at U-Haul. I had to rent a truck for a former employer (don't ask,and no I never got reimbursed either...jerks) and I was asked if I wanted the insurance, I didn't and told her as much. She slid me what I thought was the receipt and rental agreements. Only later, after the mirror almost fell off and the brakes started to fail, did I realize I had signed the insurance acceptance form.

They'll try and nickel and dime you, the $15 trailer will turn into a $50 trailer pretty quickly.

Trashbox, good luck with the purchase. Let us know what happens, and post pics!

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