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interesting read on loud exhaust


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i agree with don, I also pulled this from the triumph forum, and made me chuckle a bit

I was at an outdoor cafe this afternoon where bikes typically parked backed- in to the curb. There are tables along the front windows of the restaurant, about eight feet from the curb. As I was backing in, two Gay Pirates on their Hardly Abelsons were preparing for departure- snugging up fingerless gloves, straightening the tassles on their grips and checking for purposeful grimaces in their mirrors. When they started their mighty V-twins, the look on the diner's faces was amazing- the sound level was almost painful, and immediately increased as these two clowns revved the bikes, dogs freaking out, a kid crying, just awful. Of course no one could hear the Sprint (stock system) over the racket. Later when I was suiting up to leave, a woman asked if I would mind moving away from the curb before I started my bike. I was happy to do so since these folks were so alienated by the HD boys. When I rolled away so I was parallel to the building and started up, she came over and thanked me, and asked "why were those others so loud? I had no response to offer..


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Ignorant officers complained and wasted tax payer money.

I am not so sure i agree with that. I recently put my stock exhaust back on my bike( ive never ridden it with stock exhaust) and I definitly had more people pull out in front of me than ever. I don't know if it was a coincidence or if the exhaust really made a difference, but it had me questioning to the point i switched back.

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I am not so sure i agree with that. I recently put my stock exhaust back on my bike( ive never ridden it with stock exhaust) and I definitly had more people pull out in front of me than ever. I don't know if it was a coincidence or if the exhaust really made a difference, but it had me questioning to the point i switched back.

It might be coincidence, it is definitely anecdotal and I'm will to bet it is more likely mental. It didn't happen more often it was just in your head. Like when people buy a new vehicle and all of a sudden they see a ton of the vehicle they "never saw so many of before".

It's in your head.

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Ok, attempting to find the original "Oakland Chronicle" article. Which will be difficult since it seems that the Oakland Chronicle is a Michigan newspaper. The Oakland area has the San Francisco Chronicle. Oakland itself has the Oakland Tribune. Oakland California does not have a newspaper named Oakland Chronicle.

edit: article must have come from the San Francisco Chronicle, the "Kate Wade" person appears to be an employee of the San Francisco Chronicle. Still looking...

edit2: Found it, here's the original article, it looks the same. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/06/09/BAJB114OUT.DTL

Edited by ReconRat
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It was in the San Francisco Chronicle (The article doesn't say anything about an "Oakland Chronicle," just that the photo was a "Chronicle photo.")


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wasnt there just a thread made about them cracking down on bike noises in california - and now they go do this?


The article is from 2008. So it predates the noise laws recently passed. I tried to find more recent info, but nothing found. I suppose they will stay stock when buying new motorcycles in the future.

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i agree with don, I also pulled this from the triumph forum, and made me chuckle a bit

I was at an outdoor cafe this afternoon where bikes typically parked backed- in to the curb. There are tables along the front windows of the restaurant, about eight feet from the curb. As I was backing in, two Gay Pirates on their Hardly Abelsons were preparing for departure- snugging up fingerless gloves, straightening the tassles on their grips and checking for purposeful grimaces in their mirrors. When they started their mighty V-twins, the look on the diner's faces was amazing- the sound level was almost painful, and immediately increased as these two clowns revved the bikes, dogs freaking out, a kid crying, just awful. Of course no one could hear the Sprint (stock system) over the racket. Later when I was suiting up to leave, a woman asked if I would mind moving away from the curb before I started my bike. I was happy to do so since these folks were so alienated by the HD boys. When I rolled away so I was parallel to the building and started up, she came over and thanked me, and asked "why were those others so loud? I had no response to offer..


LMAO.. Could you be a little more dramatic?

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Doesn't light traveler quicker than sound? Therefore couldn't you argue that you can see something before you hear it? And with that logic, loud pipes don't save lives. They just annoy those around you.


Well to argue that... Light is directional and would require the receptors to be oriented towards the incoming light source whereas (most) sound is non-directional and does not require it's receptors to be aimed at it.

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loud bikes, loud cars as long as it sounds good im all for it.

i like loud muscle cars, loud sports cars, loud turbo cars... hate loud ignorant ricer cars

like loud vtwins cruiser or sport, nice loud pipe on an inline, tripples sound great as well... hate ignorantly loud (straight piped) inlines (they just sound weird)

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