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hand gun v. shotgun v. rifle


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hahaha - i wouldn't say "PITA," but "challenging" is accurate. She keeps life interesting, and puts me in check when I need to be.

I used to date a girl who would pretty much roll with whatever I wanted. It was fun in the bedroom, but in day-to-day conversation, it got annoying as fuck.

Some times I want to actually have a conversation with some resistance. Let's DEBATE something rather than just telling each other how right we are. In fact, I might have even settled for that, but she would just say, "I agree" without adding any reasons why...

it's kinda like effing a porn star - it sounds awesome, but when you live with it, it's not.

:lol you're obviously not Italian because the only women that seem to make it in my life for any considerable amount of time realize how right I am all the time. I may or may not have just a tad bit of an ego :D

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^^Liar, you are not Itailan are you? I thought you were mexican??! BWAHAHA

in real life I'm Italian, my online life I'm obviously Mexican

So anyways road trip to fin feather fur sunday. If all goes well sat I hope to pick up a few new toys on sunday.

wanna check out what their prices are on a Mossberg 500 or Remington 870 :D

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followed by a Taurus judge.

you should see some of the ammo available for that thing...

speedytriple and I were looking at rounds with two little hockey-puck looking things, and then 5 pellets around it.

perfect home defense round :p

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