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Just got a TICKET! - Anybody on 675, check the skies...


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Yup. They are officially watching 675 from the plane now...Right around exit 2 on Northbound, just after the Dayton mall, I saw a line of troopers on the right. One of them pulled out and pointed at me...

The pilot must have been having a good day though, because I am pretty sure I was going faster than the 81mph he clocked me at... Twas light traffic so I kept my speed up.

While I was waiting on the nice lady to look me up, I saw another one of them pulling over somebody else. We are sitting ducks from the sky! :mad:

But on my ticket, she wrote Suzuki... I wonder, does anybody know if you can get away without paying, or getting points if they put you in/on the wrong vehicle?

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No. Been there, done that, this year.

Minor error won't get you off.

The pilot will show up in court and testify he had a visual sight on you the entire time and ground officer was told to pull you over. Pilot isn't required to identify the vehicle, just that the ground officer stopped the appropriate person. 2 vs 1, you'll get your ass handed to you.

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The plane is all over the place they constantly go to different places around the state. We usually get him three or so times a year on SR30. He is a really nice guy and as far as I know there is only one VASCAR pilot (or at least it has always been the same guy for us).

As for the vehicle thing, no the citation was written to you not the vehicle.

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The plane is all over the place they constantly go to different places around the state. We usually get him three or so times a year on SR30. He is a really nice guy and as far as I know there is only one VASCAR pilot (or at least it has always been the same guy for us).

As for the vehicle thing, no the citation was written to you not the vehicle.

From what I'm told, and its heresay of a friend that works in some capacity with the highway partol is there is 3 of them that fly out of the OSU branch campus airport off 71

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From what I'm told, and its heresay of a friend that works in some capacity with the highway partol is there is 3 of them that fly out of the OSU branch campus airport off 71

Possible, but we have always had the same guy and I though I remembered him saying he is the only airplane pilot. Maybe the other two are heli pilots... or I'm wrong thats a possibility too. lol

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Possible, but we have always had the same guy and I though I remembered him saying he is the only airplane pilot. Maybe the other two are heli pilots... or I'm wrong thats a possibility too. lol

for all i know the one dude I got the info from could be full of shit too :D

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One of the senior chopper pilots goes to the early service at church. I got to tag along with my little brother's cub scout trip to the police heliport.

The pilot said something along the lines of "if they try to race away, I just go higher."

It's funny so many cops were out, it's not even the near the end of the month.

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lol @ fighting the ticket over a misidentified vehicle.

I left a parking ticket on the sidewalk in pittsburgh, but only after verifying that they

A) got the model wrong

B) got the car color wrong

C) got the state of licensure wrong. insert steeler's fan joke here.

D) was never, ever going to drive in pittsburgh ever again.

feels good, man.

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yea for the rest of the month the OSHP are pulling out the planes on all major interstates from what I heard

Weird, I just drove from the Turnpike at the Indiana border and down 75 to 15 in Findlay and didn't see one plane. There were a ton of Indiana cops on the turnpike, but not a lot of OSHP.

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I'm against wasting money to fly the skies for speeders. Lame.

Also, I didn't know 650r's can do 81mph? :eek:;)

I have a rather enlightening (most would say "crazy") theory about speeding...

speed limits are basically "public protection" laws; or so they claim - we all know they're just revenue generators.

But to that point, most speed limits were set in the 1960's or 1970's when cars weighed a ton and braked like boats.

due to safety improvements, the weights probably aren't much lower now than they were then, but improved tire technology, ABS, and even the greater adoption of disk brakes means that cars are STOPPING in shorter distances than ever before.

I don't htink it's illogical to conclude that speed limits could (and should) be raised to reflect the advancements in automotive technology.

to take it one step further, I'd even to so far as to say that vehicles could be certified to achieve X mph (tires already are). So if you're in a vette, you can do 120 safely. If yo're in a mini-van, only 80 (i'm betting a 2010 van stops in a shorter distance than an 80's firebird. seriously).

I acknowledge the inherent difficulties in enforcing such a system, but I think it's worth looking into. We're not far from the day that law enforcement can scan our plates like a bar-code from 300 yards out; I'm sure they could figure out when someone's exceeding the maximum safe speed for their particular vehicle.

/conspiracy theory rant...

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^ Interesting theory redkow.

shocker - the guy with a ZX14 agrees that certain vehicles should be allowed to "speed." :D

I'm not saying it's a practical theory to implement, but I think it's (arguably) a logical conclusion.

and to some extent, we already do this btw - ever seen the speed limit signs that say "65/55 for vehicles with a GVW over X tons, and non-com buses" ?

isn't that an acknowledgment that a vehicle's ability to stop in X distance is really what should determine it's individual speed limit? I think it is.

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I agree with you. You make total sense with that last sentence about the 65/55 deal.

Also...yeah, I like to go fast. I'm not going to lie. We all have certain things that interest us and one of mine happen to be acceleration and speed. I really never speed on interstates though. I did, but the past few years I decided I don't care to unless I'm moving with the flow of traffic which is speeding. I try to keep my speeding privately w/out witnesses on back roads. Nobody around is best for my taste.

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I really never speed on interstates though. I did, but the past few years I decided I don't care to unless I'm moving with the flow of traffic which is speeding. I try to keep my speeding privately w/out witnesses on back roads. Nobody around is best for my taste.

HAHAHAHA..."flow of traffic" happens to include other bikes also right? :D

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i like the theory and agree with it however it forgets one minor issue

99% people cannot drive. They absolutely have no clue how to handle a vehicle and it pisses me off to no end. Speed limits are without a doubt for money first and protection second. Just thinking about this has thoroughly reminded me why I hate people :lol:

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