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other places like BOMA


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so i'm really considering going to Dayglow, but it may or may not be sold out... a friend just told me it was sold out, but i proceeded to get all the way to "submit order" through the checkout process without it saying it was sold out. but none of my friends are really into that style except for a few which aren't sure if they can make it or not.

anyways, for future reference, what other places are there in cbus that have a similar event list as boma?

also steve aoki is coming next week, worth the show or no?

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All the gay bars play the same type of music. dont they?

I went to an event/rave at the coliseum in california with the "same type" of music. 75000 people...3/4 of which were young coeds dressed in lingerie. Not very gay in my book.

Who's playing at BOMA?

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