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My teacher was pushing a Political Party...


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So I was in my Literature class today and my teacher decided she should tell someone to "remember, just vote democrat." Excuse me??? I felt it necessary to tell the same person to just vote Republican, which just so happens to be ethical for me to do, but not her. She has expressed some of her political views before, however this is a bit ridiculous if you ask me. Just trying to see what you all think...

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We had a corporate meeting today and the CEO was answering a question about the election, trying to keep things very neutral and said "Well, there may be a 'changing of the guard' after today that we're keeping our eye on" -- or something to that effect, and another member of the leadership team threw his hand in the air and said "Hooooray!"

I thought it lacked class for a corporate wide meeting.

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We had a corporate meeting today and the CEO was answering a question about the election, trying to keep things very neutral and said "Well, there may be a 'changing of the guard' after today that we're keeping our eye on" -- or something to that effect, and another member of the leadership team threw his hand in the air and said "Hooooray!"

I thought it lacked class for a corporate wide meeting.

Concur... neutrality should always be kept when talking about politics in a professional environment by people in charge. When everyone is on the same level then have an open conversation. If you are above me or I am above you, then neither person should put any type of pressure on the people below them.

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You already know the answer to that based on your actions at the time. It doesn't matter what we think and you did the right thing. A person in the position of authority shouldn't step outside of those positions standing to take advantage of the relationship in other areas. That is why teachers shouldn't date students among other abuses of authority with different professions. There is a line that shouldn’t be crossed and most people who are good at what they do don’t cross them.

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You already know the answer to that based on your actions at the time. It doesn't matter what we think and you did the right thing. A person in the position of authority shouldn't step outside of those positions standing to take advantage of the relationship in other areas. That is why teachers shouldn't date students among other abuses of authority with different professions. There is a line that shouldn’t be crossed and most people who are good at what they do don’t cross them.

I would like to think I know what people would say, but you never know who is going to say what so I like to get an idea. Maybe someone can see it from her side and inform me why. However, I can not see why.

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We had a corporate meeting today and the CEO was answering a question about the election, trying to keep things very neutral and said "Well, there may be a 'changing of the guard' after today that we're keeping our eye on" -- or something to that effect, and another member of the leadership team threw his hand in the air and said "Hooooray!"

I thought it lacked class for a corporate wide meeting.


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When Obama was sworn in the operations center I work in put the live TV news feed on the big screen and a couple dozen people came to watch. The senior manager sat down and told us all he wanted to watch "The end of my country."

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at the college level, I expect the professors to have blatantly biased opinions. I also expect that they acknowledge their bias and at least attempt to acknowledge their complete lack of neutrality.

My constitutional law professor is probably the smartest man I've ever met. He's also one of the most liberal; as are most of my law professors.

...but they acknowledge it. Most literally allow for "equal time" if they go off on a liberal tirade.

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at the college level, I expect the professors to have blatantly biased opinions. I also expect that they acknowledge their bias and at least attempt to acknowledge their complete lack of neutrality.

My constitutional law professor is probably the smartest man I've ever met. He's also one of the most liberal; as are most of my law professors.

...but they acknowledge it. Most literally allow for "equal time" if they go off on a liberal tirade.


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That is why teachers shouldn't date students among other abuses of authority with different professions. There is a line that shouldn’t be crossed and most people who are good at what they do don’t cross them.

if im not supposed to bang the girls in the class i TA, then why the hell are they so fucking hot? i dont buy it.

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Honestly, this is something that happens all the time, although it should not. It is a blatant abuse of power and authority over impressionable minds. Unfortunately, you almost have to go to college to be successful in life (no, I don't need any stories of your success w/o a degree...I have my own) and those "higher learning facilities" tend to be very liberal in their ideals as well as those professors that inhabit the classrooms. I'm not saying that is wrong because I disagree with it, but it is wrong to break impartiality in that arena.

It is what it is, although unfortunate.

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So I was in my Literature class today and my teacher decided she should tell someone to "remember, just vote democrat." Excuse me??? I felt it necessary to tell the same person to just vote Republican, which just so happens to be ethical for me to do, but not her. She has expressed some of her political views before, however this is a bit ridiculous if you ask me. Just trying to see what you all think...

What would you have thought if she would have said Vote Republican, ot Libertarian? Personally, I don't know if I would have though the same (as a reaction) if her views aligned with mine.

We had a corporate meeting today and the CEO was answering a question about the election, trying to keep things very neutral and said "Well, there may be a 'changing of the guard' after today that we're keeping our eye on" -- or something to that effect, and another member of the leadership team threw his hand in the air and said "Hooooray!"

I thought it lacked class for a corporate wide meeting.

Come on Justin, I thought you had more class than that! :lol:



You broke into Likwid's house? :D

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my 10 and 11 year old daughters are "taught" to like the Democrats...as they sit in class next to a bunch of illegals suckin up all the school funds for their non-tax paying parents.....who should walk back to mexico

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Honestly, this is something that happens all the time, although it should not. It is a blatant abuse of power and authority over impressionable minds. Unfortunately, you almost have to go to college to be successful in life (no, I don't need any stories of your success w/o a degree...I have my own) and those "higher learning facilities" tend to be very liberal in their ideals as well as those professors that inhabit the classrooms. I'm not saying that is wrong because I disagree with it, but it is wrong to break impartiality in that arena.

It is what it is, although unfortunate.

i had liberal professors who didnt hide it. i also had conservative professors who didnt hide it either. but i can honestly say that however their personal politics leaned, they were fair in letting opposing viewpoints be heard.

the one thing they ALL had in common though, was a mentality of "dont just take my word for it" in nearly all my classes. doing research on both sides of an issue and making an informed decision for yourself was paramount and encouraged.

i dunno how much i buy the "impressionable minds" part though. i dont think the kind of person who just blindly accepts everything their professor tells them is going to do very well in college.

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ahh the joys of college professors. The way I see it is if you can't form your own opinion at that age and just do whatever you're told by some wacky tenured asshole, well then maybe you SHOULDN'T be voting in the first place

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