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lookin into a droid X. The wife just got a crackberry.

I LOVE my Curve... But I'm reeeally gettin' an itch to try a Droid

Think I'd miss bbm though, & don't feel like messin' up all my contact info/txt lists I've got set up

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my droid x is great for watching pr0n on.

the wifi tether works well. the browsing the web is pretty awesome (compared to my old BB Storm anyway). I miss my BBM too but most of my friends who had BBM have since moved on to a droid of some kind. I haven't found a really great messaging app (especially one with group chat room type of thing) but i use google talk and google voice (for texting and certain calls).

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i've been holding on getting a new phone just hoping verizon would pick up the iphone but screw that, i can't wait any longer. the phone i have just plan sucks sheep balls.

i heard iphone to come in january, but then i heard yesterday maybe june... fuck it. i have another upgrade in September so fuck it.

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Funny that this was just posted. I got a "you're a super customer, and we really appreciate you" glossy from Verizon, whereby they're letting me cash in my new every two about six months early. I HAAAAATE my current HTC TP2, and Droid X is one of the phones they offer at a special (though still high) price. Played with one in the VZW store, and like the X more than the Incredible. Went in there planning on walking out with a new Incred, but left with nothing after the X muddied the waters. Also, was in WallyMart last night, looking for someone to get me into the game case (HAD to get the NFS Hot Pursuit), so looked at the VZW phones at the counter. Their price on the X is $50 less than the VZW store itself ($149 vs $199). Anyone know if they'll honor that glossy superspecial flyer, so I can get my NE2 earlier?

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Haven't opened the game yet. I loved the "old" version, and this one looks great, but I like racing my son (10 yrs old) in split screen. Irks me that virtually none of the new games are split screen/ 2-player. I understand that PSN is the hot stuff, but I'd rather race someone I'm sitting next to. I love racing games, and esp the NFS series. Drift kept me happy for quite awhile (yes, I'm a simpleton).

Scottie: No PSN ID for me. May try to use his.

Will probably crack and beer and the plastic on the game tonight.

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