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CALM Act passed, will quiet loud TV commercials within a year


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CALM Act passed, will quiet loud TV commercials within a year

Here's some bipartisan legislation we can ALL stand behind, yes? If we all can work together to accomplish this, just think of the things we could do if we worked together.


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LoL.. So' date=' because individual buyers of television are too stupid to deal with their providers themselves, they get the FedGov to spend time (read: money) to chastise private business for them?

Turn off the television for a few months and see what comes of it. Nothing says, "I hate your bullshit!!" like not paying for it. Too bad Americans have a serious "have cake/eat cake" problem.

I hate all of you.[/quote']

That made absolutely no sense and I feel dumber for reading it.

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LoL.. So' date=' because individual buyers of television are too stupid to deal with their providers themselves, they get the FedGov to spend time (read: money) to chastise private business for them?

Turn off the television for a few months and see what comes of it. Nothing says, "I hate your bullshit!!" like not paying for it. Too bad Americans have a serious "have cake/eat cake" problem.

I hate all of you.[/quote']

Exactly - I didn't buy a Ducati for the same reason. Spaghetti. :wtf:

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Oh.. so' date=' nobody cares that the television has commercials every 7 minutes. You just don't like how loud they are?

Simple fix. Shut down the television service and see how fast the providers respond to the market.[/quote']

It is just so when you are quietly watching a tv show and commercial comes on it wont 100db anymore. It didn't take billions of government dollars and years of fighting.

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I was more concerned about having to yell across the room for my wench to get me sammiches and beer during the commercials. I certainly should not have to compete for her attention over "Head On! Apply directly to the forehead!" unless they're talking about my penis and forehead is some new slang for mouth.

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I read the article. I understand its intention. What I don't understand is why it takes an act of Congress to get it done. Instead of reaching for the remote control every time this happens' date=' you could have called your television service provider and told them to shut it down.. indefinitely. If enough customers were to do this on their own you'd see some changes in the way commercials are being tossed into your living room.

Fix it yourself, instead of waiting for someone to fix it for you. That's all I was saying. (basically..)[/quote']

The cable/sat providers no longer have control of the audio levels. Back in the analog days they did. But with everything going digital the providers have lost that ability. You would have to contact the networks and have them make the adjustment, but they are being paid by the advertisers. Who do you think they are going to listen to? I have a hard enough time trying to get them to set their dial norm to -27. I tried working with the networks for a few months trying to get them to make the adjustments, then our NOC decided they wanted to do it. Not my problem anymore. From where I sit I'm glad this happened, it will be governed by the FCC.

The commercial that WTTE is running right now pisses me off, they are claiming Time Warner isn't going to carry them and the customer is going to lose the super bowl and sit coms and whatever other crap they play. They urge the customers to call TW. You ever heard why TW is threatening to drop them? It's because the contract is up, WTTE wants more money which will raise costs to the customers. TW is trying to keep the costs down. But the customers get the impression TW is trying to screw them so they call and complain, then the bill goes up because they all called and complained, so they call and complain again. I'd say 50% - 60% of you bill goes to the networks (that is a guess on my part and may be way off). Bah enough ranting.....

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Exactly why I said you'd have to cancel the service if you were unhappy. If/when enough subscribers canceled' date=' the advertisers would change their tactics, but that won't happen because Americans can't live without their Twonky.[/quote']

I understand what your trying to say, I just don't think the programmers would see it as "they all left because the commercials were too loud". But that's neither here nor there, lets face it this is the truth....

Americans can't live without their Twonky (not sure what Twonky is... but again I know what you mean)

Although I'm happy the public has decided TV is a necessity rather than a luxury, it allows me to buy toys.

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Hell' date=' I wasn't aware that commercials are louder than television programs. I stopped paying to have people advertise to me for 20 minutes out of every hour about 7 years ago. That is the part that I find amazing... nobody seems to care that there are commercials, so long as they aren't too loud. :wtf:

The Twonky

dude, you cant expect people to make a conscience decision for themselves or to have them take any sort of action on their own behalf, thats just crazy!! you mean to tell me that the consumer has the ability to influence how a given industry behaves based on what the consumer actually wants?! i dont buy it. i need govt to tell me what to do, thats the answer.


anyway, this reminds me of a story i heard on npr yesterday. they had an "expert" on talking about a shitty credit card with kim kardashean (sp?...who cares) and how ridiculous everything about it was. the "experts" answer was not to actually read the terms and understand the fees, etc., but that legislation would have to be passed to prevent this type of preditory lending. no mention that, perhaps, taking responsibility for your decisions may work well, too. fucking eggheads. if my head doenst explode in the next couple of years i beg you to remove it by any means necessary so that my torment ceases to hinder my being........i beg you.

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A real win would be not watching tv.:rolleyes: I think everyone can agree that 80% or more of the crap they put on the glowing box isn't worth watching but people watch it for a lack of motivation to do anything else.

I still am amazed some people pay $50 or more a month for tv, that's $600 a year for something you can't eat, live in or trade with someone. It's money thrown out a window. Especially when you consider the trillions spent in the US on advertisements to sell the vibrating gut buster, or chia Obama or the best one I've ever seen, "Two $2 bills for $10 plus SH"!:nono: People buy this shit! :wtf:

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I was more concerned about having to yell across the room for my wench to get me sammiches and beer during the commercials. I certainly should not have to compete for her attention over "Head On! Apply directly to the forehead!" unless they're talking about my penis and forehead is some new slang for mouth.


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