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Homeless man w/golden radio voice in Columbus, OH


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While I'll admit I'd not heard this side of the story yet, & do find it a bit concerning, especially the part about abandoning his kids.... I still hope he seizes this opportunity & appreciates it for what it is... The last break he's probably gonna get in this life, & truly changes his kharma

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Seriously though.... did anyone really think a man living on the street all those years wouldn't have a rap sheet, drug problem, or mental health issue? I hope for the best for him and that his demons stay away.

His drug problem didn't start on the streets. His drug problem is what got him to the streets.

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I don't know that this is because of people feeling bad for him. I think it is because of people feeling good for him. This is a "feel good" story of someone with a second chance. I don't pity him, but I'm excited for him and hope with him that he doesn't slip back. Do you have any idea how hard this is going to be on a recovering addict? As for the job offers, I'm sure there is an element of altruism, but let's be honest.... that guy's story is $$$$ for the company that hires him. How many of us are going to listen for the new Kraft commercial this weekend and say "that's that homeless guy!". The $$$$ thing isn't a derogatory comment either. It's business and they are paying him a wage for it.

As for his criminal history... if he's paid his debt, then so-be-it. If he has outstanding warrants, then he will stand for his crimes in front of a judge. If that happens, I think the prudent thing to do would be to weigh the punitive against the rehabilitative goal of incarceration. I have trouble believing that there are warrants out for him and he has been allowed to leave Columbus after several days of media attention. Been wrong before though.

Are you saying that anyone who has committed a crime and would like to be rehabilitated should be given the chance. Thats what it sounds like to me. I have no problem with this guy getting a second chance. I have a problem with everyone praising him for his poor choices in life. Do any of you people praising him have children? Do you think this guy is a good role model for them? WTF is wrong with America? Also how is it four days ago this guy was a crack addict and all of a sudden he is cured? Doesn't work that way.

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By the way, according to wikipedia, there are around 650,000 homeless people in America (possibly higher). Am I supposed to believe this is the most talented homeless person in America?

No but this guy got lucky and was recognized by someone who put him out there. The are a hell of a lot of people in a lot of jobs and other situations in life that got a lucky break.

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No but this guy got lucky and was recognized by someone who put him out there. The are a hell of a lot of people in a lot of jobs and other situations in life that got a lucky break.

Maybe that is what they should teach kids in schools. Forget about education, right from wrong and definitely forget about drug education. Just sit back and pray you get a lucky break. Get real.

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Maybe that is what they should teach kids in schools. Forget about education, right from wrong and definitely forget about drug education. Just sit back and pray you get a lucky break. Get real.

........ What the hell does that have to do with my post? Tell me how many people are well educated, have their degrees, and are sitting at home unemployed. I am willing to put everything I have on the fact that there are people out there unemployed that are better than someone who does have a job that they are better suited for. It does take luck in this life, it is not all luck but just because you are educated doesn't mean jack shit. Shit happens in life and people get in tough spots and some people get lucky and some don't.

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........ What the hell does that have to do with my post? Tell me how many people are well educated, have their degrees, and are sitting at home unemployed. I am willing to put everything I have on the fact that there are people out there unemployed that are better than someone who does have a job that they are better suited for. It does take luck in this life, it is not all luck but just because you are educated doesn't mean jack shit. Shit happens in life and people get in tough spots and some people get lucky and some don't.

It means we should quit praising this guy because it sets a bad example for kids. What is the point of getting an education if companies are hiring on the luck system. I understand there are educated people without jobs and that there are people in positions who are not as well educated for those positions. That is not luck. The people in those positions are more than likely also educated.

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It means we should quit praising this guy because it sets a bad example for kids. What is the point of getting an education if companies are hiring on the luck system. I understand there are educated people without jobs and that there are people in positions who are not as well educated for those positions. That is not luck. The people in those positions are more than likely also educated.

you have just laid off most professional athletes and pissed me off because I have to watch a bunch of schmucks that aren't much better than me on TV

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It means we should quit praising this guy because it sets a bad example for kids. What is the point of getting an education if companies are hiring on the luck system. I understand there are educated people without jobs and that there are people in positions who are not as well educated for those positions. That is not luck. The people in those positions are more than likely also educated.

He is educated, I do have kids, and he answers to the law like anyone. Jealous?

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His drug problem didn't start on the streets. His drug problem is what got him to the streets.

Was my post contradictory to this? Drugs, mental health issues, running away from something (law, family, crazy wife) are the reason someone is homeless in many cases. Not all of course.

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jealous of what having 9 children that he has not taken care of there whole life? Leaving his kids with a blind women who cant take care of them on her own? Developing a drug and alcohol problem that ruined his life and landed him on hudson? Or that he was such a piece of crap his mom would not speak to him for twenty years? Im glad most of you guys like him, maybe you can take him into your home and give him a third chance after the second fails. This buy is not reformed or healed as people say he was pulled from rock bottom to the top where he once was and its a matter of time before he falls

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I'm all about second chances. I agree with you that he's a shitbag. You know who else is a shitbag? My millionaire boss. He's a fucking asshole' date=' a twat and generally.. not a nice guy.

I hope this guy makes the best of this situation. Do I think he will? Nope. Do I hope he will? Absolutely.

That said.. lighten up, Francis. This guy is doing a job that you can't do. So, what the fuck do you care?[/quote']

I never want to agree with you. But in this case I wholeheartedly feel the same way. America is all about 2nd chances.

(unless your Mexican, if so GTFO!)

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I am all for giving people second chances and America is all about second chances. But, in order to get a second chance you need to change your life around. The best thing for this guy to do is turn himself into the police, pay his fines and/or serve his sentence for his outstanding warrants. Then he needs to get into a drug rehab facility and get professional help. If he can do this and companies still want to hire him then go for it. People who are posting things are purely speaking with emotion and not stating the facts.

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Exactly help is what the guy needs not fame and money like he was given over this video, Fame and money is what drove this guy into the situation he was in. Throwing jobs and national fame at this guy will only bring on a larger drug problem then he had before

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I think it's cool people want him for his voice. Would he have gotten the same looks if had he gone in and applied for one of the jobs? I don't know, probably not. Doing something like this help people feel good about themselves. Many people are only willing to help someone if it benefits them too. I have no idea if this is the case. I do think the guy needs to take his lumps, pay his debts and then hold on to what he has been given. He has great opportunities in front of him and time will tell if he has changed.

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Exactly help is what the guy needs not fame and money like he was given over this video, Fame and money is what drove this guy into the situation he was in. Throwing jobs and national fame at this guy will only bring on a larger drug problem then he had before

im glad you can predict the future. where were you last week with the megamillions numbers?

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Massey says officers took the pair to the Hollywood police station, calmed them down, talked to them and let them go in less than hour. She says it was a minor disturbance and the pair weren't arrested. She doesn't know the nature of the argument but says there weren't any signs of physical abuse.

kinda sad how eager you are to wish this guy to fail though, you must live a pretty sad life yourself....does it make you feel better about yourself to look down at people?

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kinda sad how eager you are to wish this guy to fail though, you must live a pretty sad life yourself....does it make you feel better about yourself to look down at people?

You must have a sad life to worry about who I look down on and who I dont. And to answer your question I have never been happier, you could only wish to have lived half as good a life as I have

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