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Traffic stop + notify


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Complete non-event, but I wanted to post in case anyone needed positive validation.

Got pulled over, immediately notified the officer... he didn't care, just asked where, I told him "glove box" (shutup, carrying some extra holiday weight), he asked for my insurance, I told him "it's in the glove box"

"That's fine, go ahead and get it"

Very professional, very courteous.

Like I said, complete non-event, but because there's so much negative information out there all the time I wanted to post this.

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Negative? Most of the stuff I've read, or anecdotally heard, or witnessed (once) was most cops 'on the beat' are pro-CCW and know you're not a goober if you've got your CCW. Ok, you could still be a goober, but at least have passed a background check.

Now, if you're open carrying and the reason the cops are there is because people are skeered of your gun - they might not be as pleasant, even if you are within your legal bounds.

Edited by JRMMiii
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Glad to hear it was with you' date=' even if you're too fat to carry it. LoL... (I tuck mine under my fat roll)

I've never encountered an officer that was against CCW. I've read about and heard about.. but no first hand experience.

Slow down, btw. Where was this?[/quote']

Willoughby Hills.

I have no first hand experience with an officer against it, but early CCW days in Ohio it was a big campaign (rumors and planted information probably) about how if you were pulled over you'd be felony stopped....

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Glad to hear it Likwid. I got pulled over by a state trooper once. I promptly notified. He asked where, I said my right hip at 4 o'clock. He said Thanks then asked for my stuff. I told him my registration and insurance were in the glove box but my license was in my back pocket, right next to my gun He kind of chuckled and said thats fine, go ahead and get it.

It was all a non-issue. We actually chatted for a few minutes after he gave me the warning. He asked me how often I carry and I congratulated me on being one of the few that carries 100% of the time. Very professional in how he handled everything.

Likwid, did you get cited or let off?

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Likwid, did you get cited or let off?


He didn't even ask for registration or my CHL (I asked if he wanted my CHL and registration and he kind of shrugged "sure") ... he wasn't giving out warnings.... well not to me at least.

Whatever, he was just doing his job, I was driving very safe for the conditions, but some crap isn't worth stressing over.

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I've been sticking the piece in the center glove box between the seats (unlocked) but have been stressing about it. Was the glove compartment locked? I'm unclear about that interpretation and I'm having trouble getting someone "in the know" to commit to an answer.

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I've been sticking the piece in the center glove box between the seats (unlocked) but have been stressing about it. Was the glove compartment locked? I'm unclear about that interpretation and I'm having trouble getting someone "in the know" to commit to an answer.

If you have your CCW, absolutely unlocked.

As long as the container (center console, glove box, purse) is CLOSED you are obeying the law.

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What you didn't get it out of the glove box as he was walking up to the car, and wave it around screaming I have my CCW and I have my gun with me??? That's what I would have done. :rolleyes:

Hence why they took away your "license to erect"

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I'm pretty sure that they know already that you have a CCW by running the plates for your vehicle, and you can be cited for not notifying them that you are carrying. My brother is a PO, and his theory is that if they have a CCW, and are cool / calm then he will be the same right back to the person.

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I have been pulled over twice since I got my chl. Once in the car and once on my bike. When I was in the car the officer was very polite asked where it was at and asked for me to keep my hands above my waist. The time on the bike was not near as nice, was a park ranger and he pretty much freaked out on me. He walked up to my bike and saw it hanging out the bottom of my jacket. I told him I had my chl before he was even next to me, had my helmet off and key turned off. He started on about not being able to carry a ccw in a metro park. I very calmly tried to explain I was allowed to carry in the park just not in to some of the park buildings(nature center) After awhile he came back from his car and let me off with a warning about not slowing down around the curves to the posted speed. so 1/1 is not to bad I guess.

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My experience with ccw has been of one, they don't care. Two, he got a little pissy because I didn't tell him I had a permit but that's because I didn't have a gun with me and forgot. At the same time the plates arn't registered to me so untill he goes back to the car and runs my license he doesn't know.

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i've been pulled over once but unarmed so no problems. But as recovery agents we get prompted alot. Never had a bad experience. Most usually say, "Just don't shoot me". It was funny at first, but now it gets old. If we have to call the popo, we tell the dispatcher that we are armed and to tell the officers responding. then we also let them know when they get there. They get there alot faster when they know theres a few guns on site. lol

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I have only had one instance. When I first got my CCL. Probably 2-3 months after the fact. I was driving from Pataskala to Zanesville everyday for work. I had a Glock and a 1911. Could not hit the side of the barn if I was standing inside of it with the Glock, so I always opted for the 1911.

Got dinged for speeding on I-70. Trooper come walking up to the door, I had the window down already with both hands on the steering wheel. He asked for my License and registration, I handed him my CCL first, in one hand and told him it is on the passenger seat. Then handed him my license and registration and proof of ins with the other hand and placed them back on the wheel. He chuckled and told me to relax. rest of the conv. went like this...

is it loaded... YES.

What is it and where exactly is it... It is a Kimber Grand raptor laying on the pass. seat barrel facing the pass rear door, so it is easy to grab.

Kind of large caliber for a concealed weapon isn't it? Not really, I dont like to shoot more than once.

"The look on his face was priceless"! I told him, Clint Smith, stated "he carries a .45 becuase they dont make a .46"... :D with a smile of course.

I informed him I carry custom loaded HP's that I worked up in the gun and then carry full power semi wad cutters in another mag in my back pocket.

Why would you need the other mag? better to be prepared than sorry you did not have it. What if one mag is not enough? They AR is in the trunk if I need it in the pelican, under my golf clubs. he chuckled and said sure it was. I asked if he would like to see it. he said sure (cheap ploy from a trooper to search your car, but I have nothing to hide). I opened the trunk and moved my golf clubs, told him he could open the case and he insisted I did it. So I did. He looked at me when I opened it and said I guess you are prepared! I said Yes I am...

he gave me my license back and my other creditials and told me to slow down and pay attention to what is on the other end of that .45 and have a nice day...

I gave him the sure thing and a thank-you and went to work...

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I'm pretty sure that they know already that you have a CCW by running the plates for your vehicle, and you can be cited for not notifying them that you are carrying. My brother is a PO, and his theory is that if they have a CCW, and are cool / calm then he will be the same right back to the person.

If they have a computer in their car, they already know you have a CHL when they run your plate. If they call it in to dispatch to run in, not sure if that is some of the info they would relay.

My experience with ccw has been of one, they don't care. Two, he got a little pissy because I didn't tell him I had a permit but that's because I didn't have a gun with me and forgot. At the same time the plates arn't registered to me so untill he goes back to the car and runs my license he doesn't know.

If you don't have a loaded gun on you, you don't have to inform them of your CHL status.

I have only had one instance. When I first got my CCL. Probably 2-3 months after the fact. I was driving from Pataskala to Zanesville everyday for work. I had a Glock and a 1911. Could not hit the side of the barn if I was standing inside of it with the Glock, so I always opted for the 1911.

Got dinged for speeding on I-70. Trooper come walking up to the door, I had the window down already with both hands on the steering wheel. He asked for my License and registration, I handed him my CCL first, in one hand and told him it is on the passenger seat. Then handed him my license and registration and proof of ins with the other hand and placed them back on the wheel. He chuckled and told me to relax. rest of the conv. went like this...

is it loaded... YES.

What is it and where exactly is it... It is a Kimber Grand raptor laying on the pass. seat barrel facing the pass rear door, so it is easy to grab.

Kind of large caliber for a concealed weapon isn't it? Not really, I dont like to shoot more than once.

"The look on his face was priceless"! I told him, Clint Smith, stated "he carries a .45 becuase they dont make a .46"... :D with a smile of course.

I informed him I carry custom loaded HP's that I worked up in the gun and then carry full power semi wad cutters in another mag in my back pocket.

Why would you need the other mag? better to be prepared than sorry you did not have it. What if one mag is not enough? They AR is in the trunk if I need it in the pelican, under my golf clubs. he chuckled and said sure it was. I asked if he would like to see it. he said sure (cheap ploy from a trooper to search your car, but I have nothing to hide). I opened the trunk and moved my golf clubs, told him he could open the case and he insisted I did it. So I did. He looked at me when I opened it and said I guess you are prepared! I said Yes I am...

he gave me my license back and my other creditials and told me to slow down and pay attention to what is on the other end of that .45 and have a nice day...

I gave him the sure thing and a thank-you and went to work...

Sorry, but no officer is searching my vehicle without probable cause. Glad it went well though.

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If they have a computer in their car, they already know you have a CHL when they run your plate. If they call it in to dispatch to run in, not sure if that is some of the info they would relay.

If you don't have a loaded gun on you, you don't have to inform them of your CHL status.

Sorry, but no officer is searching my vehicle without probable cause. Glad it went well though.

i dont think it was a search as much as it was him wanting to show off his ar lol

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I have only had one instance. When I first got my CCL. Probably 2-3 months after the fact. I was driving from Pataskala to Zanesville everyday for work. I had a Glock and a 1911. Could not hit the side of the barn if I was standing inside of it with the Glock, so I always opted for the 1911.

Got dinged for speeding on I-70. Trooper come walking up to the door, I had the window down already with both hands on the steering wheel. He asked for my License and registration, I handed him my CCL first, in one hand and told him it is on the passenger seat. Then handed him my license and registration and proof of ins with the other hand and placed them back on the wheel. He chuckled and told me to relax. rest of the conv. went like this...

is it loaded... YES.

What is it and where exactly is it... It is a Kimber Grand raptor laying on the pass. seat barrel facing the pass rear door, so it is easy to grab.

Kind of large caliber for a concealed weapon isn't it? Not really, I dont like to shoot more than once.

"The look on his face was priceless"! I told him, Clint Smith, stated "he carries a .45 becuase they dont make a .46"... :D with a smile of course.

I informed him I carry custom loaded HP's that I worked up in the gun and then carry full power semi wad cutters in another mag in my back pocket.

Why would you need the other mag? better to be prepared than sorry you did not have it. What if one mag is not enough? They AR is in the trunk if I need it in the pelican, under my golf clubs. he chuckled and said sure it was. I asked if he would like to see it. he said sure (cheap ploy from a trooper to search your car, but I have nothing to hide). I opened the trunk and moved my golf clubs, told him he could open the case and he insisted I did it. So I did. He looked at me when I opened it and said I guess you are prepared! I said Yes I am...

he gave me my license back and my other creditials and told me to slow down and pay attention to what is on the other end of that .45 and have a nice day...

I gave him the sure thing and a thank-you and went to work...

That made me laugh, and also reminded me of one of the guys I work with. However, the guy I work with probably would have been shot, because he waould have been way to nervous around the officer.

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That made me laugh, and also reminded me of one of the guys I work with. However, the guy I work with probably would have been shot, because he waould have been way to nervous around the officer.

That is my worry when I get my CHL! I have no reason to be, but when I was young, up to my mid 20's, I was pretty much always a candidate for a BIG violation if pulled over. I can't tell how many times I drove when I was too drunk to walk, rarely had insurance, driving wrecklessly, and usually some sort of vehicle violation. That paranoia has worn off quite a bit, but I still note where the officer's are. I don't even speed by enough to get get their attention hardly ever (in the cage anyway.)

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