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Allow Teachers To Carry Guns? That's The Nebraska Solution


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I'd worry about kids getting ahold of it by a clumsy teacher.

That's probably very true. I edited my earlier post. Was gonna try to get some people to be vocal but don't feel like it. This is a subject I am actually kind of torn on. Teacher having guns in the classroom, I'm not so sure about. But I do think they should be able to keep them in their vehicles. There was a teacher at Columbine who parked two miles away, off school property because he had a handgun in his car. When the first shots rang out he took off to his car to get it. That's a lot of lost time.

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Some of these comments are amazing.
I was armed for many years everywhere I went and it made me paranoid and fearful, thinking about violence a lot. I no longer own guns and feel happier and more secure.

:wtf: Really? Someone needs to be locked up, since it's obvious that they've lost it! :nono:

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I actually think this is pretty funny idea. I work in a school...most if not all the teachers I work with wouldn't want a gun anywhere near them. Our principal, an ex-Ranger, would love it though lol. This may be the dumbest idea ever.

Nancy Liberal hippies. :p

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Nancy Liberal hippies. :p

That's funny. I know teacher named Nancy, and she would LOVE to be able to carry at work. She has been attacked by students, and I doubt the punks would mess around if they knew there was the possibility of her having a gun on her.

Solution: Don't call them "schools".

They are now "Armories of Higher Learning"

I like your thinking... For once. :D

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I like it. I think its a great idea especially in a lot of districts I have friends that teach in

1) I'd be ok with it if its a properly trained and licensed teacher and the gun never leaves their person so they are always in control of it

2) I got a couple friends as teachers. From stories I hear, I wouldn't hesitate to pistol whip the shit out of some of these little fuckers. If they can hold back from smacking kids now (many deserve a good one) then why would they be unable to handle holding back just because they have a gun on their side?

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i work with a guy who moved here from south africa, and he says its almost impossible to get guns there....you cant even get them for hunting, let alone handguns

unless youre a drug lord or government or something like in the movies i guess....but the average citizen cant get them

In South Africa, owning a gun is conditional on a competency test and several other, albeit ill defined factors, including background checking of the applicant, inspection of an owner's premises, and licensing of the weapon by the police introduced in July 2004. The process is currently undergoing review[4], as the police are at present, not able to adequately or within reasonable time, process either competency certification, new licenses or renewal of existing licenses. Minimum waiting period frequently exceeds 2 years from date of application.[3]

In July 2010, the Black Gun-Owners Association of South Africa (BGOASA), filed a R3.2 Billion lawsuit against the government in regards to the poor implementation of the firearms act[1] [2], which is claimed to have cost 10,000 jobs in the firearms sector and closed 800 shops [2]. Licensing takes over 2 years to process before revenue can be recognized or is arbitrarily dismissed and rejected by the police. These two factors lead to many dealers not being able to maintain their businesses, in light of greatly reduced revenues. It is interesting to note that only 2% of all black applicants are successful in obtaining their firearm licenses. Leading BGOASA, to claim the act, a disarming campaign similar to one undertaken under Apartheid, by the current government on its own people.[1]

Furthermore, it must be noted that the act, has in no way impacted the proliferation of illegal firearms to violent criminals. With criminals more frequently committing crimes with R4 and R5 assault rifles (which are not and never has been available to normal citizens) and 9mm police issue pistols. Reports state that The SA Police Service has lost, had stolen or otherwise misplaced 8 286 firearms, including pistols, shotguns, rifles and revolvers, in three years(2006-2009)[5].

looked it up...so apparently, you file the paperwork, wait 2 years or more, and then the police can reject your paperwork and you have to start all over again and wait another 2 years etc

Edited by Steve Butters
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A buddy of mine brought up another point... just based on how the debate is framed.

Why is the initial assuption on a lot of these pro/anti-gun discussions that the NORM is "Guns aren't allowed" and we work into expanding gun rights outward to selective groups, rather than assuming guns are the NORM and we keep restricting them from there?

Expanding outward vs. contracting inward.

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A buddy of mine brought up another point... just based on how the debate is framed.

Why is the initial assuption on a lot of these pro/anti-gun discussions that the NORM is "Guns aren't allowed" and we work into expanding gun rights outward to selective groups, rather than assuming guns are the NORM and we keep restricting them from there?

Expanding outward vs. contracting inward.

Exactly. It's not as though it's in the constitution or anything... Oh wait! There it is! Right in the second amendment! Imagine that!

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