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Anyone here ride with contacts?


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Always ride with contacts. No issues.

I also wear shades and a modular or fullface helmet.

^ ^ I wear sunglasses & safety glasses at night, as extra protection to keep the wind from drying them out. Just keep a clear shield on my helmet, so I don't have to worry about switching those out

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I race in contacts. I would NEVER suggest wearing glasses in a helmet if you can avoid it. Especially sunglasses. I have seen guys crash and get prats (arms/triggers) in their eyes. Nothing severe, but could easily have been.

What I have found is that I will keep the chin vent closed most the time. That helps. However, because we cannot stop and do the drops (We used to ride 1.5 hr stints in endurance), I have had only one occasion where I lost one - popped out. That REALLY sucks.

But, today's contacts are pretty good and as long as you make sure they are full of as much moisture as you can give them before you head out, you should be fine.

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on a really hot day, at race track speeds, i've had my eyes dry out - but that was probably more due to the fact that I was sleeping between riding sessions, and my lenses dried out before I ever got on the bike...

for street riding, i can't tolerate having my visor up unless i'm doing less than 20, so wind isn't an issue. Even then, my eyes water; not dry out.

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I've only ever ridden in contacts. Rarely ever have a problem with them getting dry. I ride with sunglasses most of the time. Hell, anyone who's met me/knows me has probably noticed I only DON'T have sunglasses on if it's dark out. LOL

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You'll never wear glasses under your helmet again.

Not true... I don't wear contacts all the time, too pricey, but I only put them in if I go on longer rides. I hate wasting them and putting them in on a short, town ride. I do the dailies due to allergies.

I do love riding with contacts, and I have never had the drying issue. Like everyone said, just have a bottle of drops just in case of drying, dirt, etc....

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I'm fucking blind without my contacts. I take them out once a month. My contacts are made for sleeping with them and everything. My eye doctor got me on them a few years ago and it's so nice not having to take them in and out every night and morning. Only time I take them out before the month is over is if something gets in my eyes, then I will clean them.

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I'm fucking blind without my contacts. I take them out once a month. My contacts are made for sleeping with them and everything. My eye doctor got me on them a few years ago and it's so nice not having to take them in and out every night and morning. Only time I take them out before the month is over is if something gets in my eyes, then I will clean them.

What kind are they? Sounds like something I need.

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I use Bausch and Lomb "Pure Vision".

There are a few brands like these out there. Bring it up to your eye doctor next time snoman. ;)

Might have to... I would love to just get out of bed and know what I'm stepping on and where I'm going instead of fumbling for my glasses. :D

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I'm fucking blind without my contacts. I take them out once a month. My contacts are made for sleeping with them and everything. My eye doctor got me on them a few years ago and it's so nice not having to take them in and out every night and morning. Only time I take them out before the month is over is if something gets in my eyes, then I will clean them.

I like the sound of those

No problems with contacts riding. Plus with contacts i can wear sunglasses (I wear tinted safety glasses)

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No prob with contacts.

The 24 hour contacts are fairly controversial. My doc will not prescribe them to me, but my sons doc will to him. I chose to take mine out daily. But if I forget (drunk), and sleep with them in, I typically cannot tell any difference.

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Might have to... I would love to just get out of bed and know what I'm stepping on and where I'm going instead of fumbling for my glasses. :D

Man I do not miss that. Yeah, they don't dry out like the others. They're made to breathe really well. Every year he turns my eyelids inside out and there is no irritation or anything. They work great for me. Hope they do for you as well.

Edited by NinjaNick
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No problems here.

Johnson & Johnson Acuvue 2, and can't even feel them when wearing. Almost no problems with dirt or grit messing them up. Good for several weeks, although they recommend using new ones more often. Dirt cheap and disposable. Not for sleeping all night, but I can do that.

I wear cheap S&W safety glasses that fit close to the face for riding. Those are disposable also. Never a problem.

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