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Anyone here ride with contacts?


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i'm going to get dailies (I very rarely use them, so they'll actually be cheaper than the biweekly or monthly) or I'll get fricking laser to the eye

Yeah, I can get a pack of 45 and they can last me about a year since I don't wear them very often. I would like to wear them more though but the two week ones kill my eyes. At least they did in Virginia but the pollen there in nuts! Never use to bother me when I wore them in Florida.

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Yeah, I can get a pack of 45 and they can last me about a year since I don't wear them very often. I would like to wear them more though but the two week ones kill my eyes. At least they did in Virginia but the pollen there in nuts! Never use to bother me when I wore them in Florida.

i think i have the same problem you do... the bi weekly lenses are supposed to be fresh for a while, but sure enough, after 3-4 days of wearing them, the "comfortable" wear time drops and drops.

which reminds me, i need an appointment... apparently, the online places DO check to see that you have a valid prescription. laaaaaaaaaame

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  • 6 months later...

My wife got sick of the daily contact-lens routine and finally got lasik (PRK). Proper lasik, none of this "$99 per eye!" crap. Cost us about $4k, but she now has 20-15 vision in both eyes and contacts/glasses etc are all a thing of the past.

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I, however, recently got Lasik, and while I'd HIGHLY recommend it, it makes your eyes dry out easier so you have to be a little bit more careful.

+2. Im 3 months out and day after I had 20/25 currently 15/20. I always bring eye drops on my rides for the drying out reason. It is a lot better than stuffing glasses in my helmet.

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where did you guys go for lasik? i'm thinking about doing it for my eyeballs as a soon to be 30th birthday present.

...should really do the penis surgery first

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I went to Lasik Plus. It is located at Easton Mall here in Columbus and it was recommended to me by 4 other people who went there and loved it. I can say they were great and I highly recommend them as well. . The doctor travels between centers so might travel up to Cleveland. Procedure took about 20 minutes from walking in the room to out of the room. Any questions about the procedure or after or price let me know.

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