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Sad story.


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Read this on the GTO forums, shit is fucked up. I'm really starting to hate most of society.

I have been away from this board for a while because I took the death of my dog pretty hard.

December 7, 2010 at approximately 7:00 pm.

My children are in the front room putting ornaments on our tree. Dogs are lying on the floor beside them. This pic might help:


We have a glass front door. I see a well dress man at the door wearing a shirt and tie. He rings the doorbell and asks me if he can talk to me about Jesus Christ.

I say no and start to close the door. He puts his shoulder in the way and pops his head in to ask my kids if he can talk to them about "his friend Jesus".

My Belgian Malinois, Isis, (smaller dog) gets up and growls at him and barks once. Zeus, my malamute, gets up and slowly walks over to the guy. He jumps up and puts his paws on the guys shoulders and sniffs his face.

The guy starts hitting Zeus in the head 5 times very fast. Zeus jumps down and the attack continues. This is when I realize he is using a maglite flashlight. I start screaming. I can't reach the guy because Zeus is so long and is purposely blocking me. I grab two handfuls of Zeus and start pulling him back but he won't budge on pupose. He is just standing there doing NOTHING and letting the guy beat on him. He is blocking the entire doorway so I can't go around him.

Isis, the Malinois, jumps over Zeus and bites/grabs the guy's swinging arm and stops the attack. She pulls him backwards down the porch steps and chases him down the driveway.

Zeus walks back into the house and goes to the back patio door. His head looked fine. I call my wife and ask her to come home immediately. I let Zeus go outside to pee. He went outside and hid in a corner where he started puking up blood from his nose and mouth. I put on my shoes and ran outside just as he looked at me and collapsed. He was dead by the time I got out there.

The church gave up the guy saying he is mentally ill. He denied everything. He is married and has young kids. The following Monday, someone jumped him outside his work and beat the snot out of him. They didn't take his wallet. He was hospitalized for 2 weeks. He lives 100 metres away from us and from the end of my street I can see into his kitchen.

I think one of my neighbours might have jumped him but I have no clue and am not really going to ask around. He just got sentenced two weeks ago. 1 yr probation, $5000 fine, not allowed to own registered pets, must report to a Psychologist once a month for assessment.

I've set up a memorial fund for Zeus at a Malamute Rescue. 100% of donations go to helping neglected or abused dogs. The rescue is run by volunteers. The CEO is Deborah Taylor who is a pastor.

This is the link for the memorial fund: http://www.malamuterescue.com You can donate as little as $1. If you are in Canada you will get a tax receipt for donations over $20. If you do donate cash please make sure you click on SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS and put a note in there that it is for Zeus's memorial fund.

This is how we would like to remember him:





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Such a shitty situation because of one asshole.

There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about him.

I'm doing better. My 5 yr old doesn't understand death. She thinks we're punishing her by taking Zeus away.

My 2 yr old has bonded very strongly to my other dog now.

My other dog has turned viscious towards men in parkas and ALL DOGS. Zeus was alpha so without him she just attacks everyone.

She is currently in rehab to re-socialize her and re-assert myself as alpha. $350 so far. Made a very small difference in her behaviour so far...

My wife is homicidal. She drives a big Yukon Denali and swears if she sees him on the street she will ram his car or run him over. I don't doubt it. She refuses to see a counsellor.

Better pic of the Malinois on the left. She is the size of a Shepherd.


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Wow. :nono: Horrible and what a sad way to start off my day.

Which is why I didn't read it at the beginning of the day.

Door to door religion is going to save very few, if any. Hounding people with you religious beliefs will just make people want to push you away and not listen at all. Nobody wants some stranger to show up and just start preaching at them. I'm a Christian, and I don't think I would want to talk to someone just showing up at my door. Now if someone in the neighborhood wants to introduce their self, and become friends, that's another story.

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KILL THAT MUTHERFUCKER!!! Give me his address I will do it for you! Fuckin piece of fucking shit!

i dare a bible thumper to force my door open like that! They'll meet god faster than they want to.

I am a hardcore dog lover. I beat the living fuck out of the neighbors kid, I had in Pataskala. He kicked my springer in the ribs and broke 3. Un-known to me at the time it happened but enough to put me over the edge. You come in my yard and kick my dog... You are so fucked it's not funny!

I would wade through hell to fight a circular saw for my dogs!

You can run through everything that "you" would have done to stop that situation but it is hard to realize how fast some things happen.

Personally I would of hurdled the dog and planted both knees on that fuckers head and neck. Hopefully would've ended with a load pop or crack.

Edited by Beegreenstrings
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I don't think there'd be much hurling of Zeus. That dog was a solid 110-120 lbs of pure muscle. Beautiful dog, really sad to think he was killed by some nutjob.

Anyone else catch the part of the story where the Belgian Malinois bounced through the door and took the perp with her down the steps? I think it just goes to show the temperamental differences between the two breeds. She fully intended to protect the family, not that Zeus wasn't.

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:mad:son of a-mother fcuking..fuck! OMG wtf!! that POS shit ..WTF..

i'm so glad someone beat his ass , but it needs to be done again.

WTF!! What a POS. there is no f-ing way id let some nut sucker to hit my dog liek that.. that fucking bullhshit. the guy needs to be locked up before he kills again.

what an awesome dog :( so fing -pissed .

This is why I answer my door very sparingly.

If that POS wpuld have stepped into my house he would have meet Jesus with a quickness.


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I don't think there'd be much hurling of Zeus. That dog was a solid 110-120 lbs of pure muscle.

Why not? I have and that's not heavy, especially when your adrenaline is pumping. Then again I'm sure the guy isn't a physical person from him not being able to stop the guy from hitting his dog. That's the only part of the story that I got mad at the owner. I instantly shook my head when he couldn't stop the guy hitting his dog.

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