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Browns Fans, Please Explain.


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Except for that whole thing about us not having the biggest payroll in our sport. The Rooney's only pay a certain amount, & cultivate/grow their talent from within the organization & drafting smart. If a player doesn't appreciate the family atmosphere of one of the original teams in the league, or the winning culture of the organization with a better than average chance of getting to a Super Bowl... Then they're free to play elsewhere for more.


Every half-a-fag and wanna-be-front-runner can be a Yankees fan or a Cowboys fan (looking right at you LeBron).

Steelers are the most stable organization in professionsal sports. They grow talent from within. They don't try to buy titles. They win with defense. They've only had 3 head coaches since 1969. Every sports fan should be able to appreciate that.

Plus, the rapes were only alleged :rolleyes:

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You realize we went to, & won the Super Bowl that year, right Sparky??

I already regret commenting on this thread, but just wanted to point out that I was talking 2009, PIT 9-7 CLE 5-11. At game 12 it was PIT 6-6 CLE 1-11.

I guess for me it's just a hometown pride thing rather than about the teams themselves, and when the guy next door is waving a foreign flag and talking shit for attention, I just want him to STFU. Nothing against the real fans.

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Why are people hating FANS of teams? Fans aren't the football team! If you like football you like it for the teams, not the fans. I'm not a FAN of fans, I'm a FAN of a team, which happens to be Steelers. I don't give a fuck about fans, I give a fuck about the team. ;) Food for thought. ;)

I'm a meta-fan, so fuck you.

This starts our rivalry.

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This thread has been a bit entertaining. While I am far from all knowing, I have been around this rivalry (regardless of state - and can recall when the tables were reversed) both here in Cleveland, in Pittsburgh (where more than half of my family is from) and around the country as a Browns Backer president. The reason Browns fanguy and Stillers fanguy hate/loathe eachother and eachother's teams so much is they are the same guy. They think the same way about their team, about the other guy's team, and about most things in life. They are cut from the same cloth, are passionate beyond the realm of common sense, and know what it take to get under the other one's skin because its the same shit that bothers them. And I will tell you that the truest fans of each team AND the sport have a begrudging respect for the other, almost like an evil twin sibling. If you have a Cowboys fan, a Redskins fan, a Stiller fan, and a Browns fan in a bar and the subject of rivalries comes up, those Browns fan and Stiller fan will have eachother's back in that fight. They won't like it, but they will defend the overall rivalry of their teams against anyone elses. Its why football is the greatest team sport in our country, and will continue to be so long as they play it. Stiller fans are no better or no worse than Browns fans, regardless of either of each team's success. But I will say that the NFL is a better league when both of these teams are doing well. And would be a helluva lot better if the Ravens didn't exist.

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This thread has been a bit entertaining. While I am far from all knowing, I have been around this rivalry (regardless of state - and can recall when the tables were reversed) both here in Cleveland, in Pittsburgh (where more than half of my family is from) and around the country as a Browns Backer president. The reason Browns fanguy and Stillers fanguy hate/loathe eachother and eachother's teams so much is they are the same guy. They think the same way about their team, about the other guy's team, and about most things in life. They are cut from the same cloth, are passionate beyond the realm of common sense, and know what it take to get under the other one's skin because its the same shit that bothers them. And I will tell you that the truest fans of each team AND the sport have a begrudging respect for the other, almost like an evil twin sibling. If you have a Cowboys fan, a Redskins fan, a Stiller fan, and a Browns fan in a bar and the subject of rivalries comes up, those Browns fan and Stiller fan will have eachother's back in that fight. They won't like it, but they will defend the overall rivalry of their teams against anyone elses. Its why football is the greatest team sport in our country, and will continue to be so long as they play it. Stiller fans are no better or no worse than Browns fans, regardless of either of each team's success. But I will say that the NFL is a better league when both of these teams are doing well. And would be a helluva lot better if the Ravens didn't exist.

There is a lot of truf to this statement. I think the reason why Browns fans are still so passionate against the Steelers (but not so much the other way around) is that Pittsburgh, collectively, made a deal with the Universe to sacrifice one team (Pirates) to complete and total failure and hopelessness in order to finally break out. Cleveland, collectively, being too proud (and very much in denial) refuse to do this. The Cavs have emerged as a likely Universal sacrifice for soul-crushing failure and despair, I wait to see if they are in fact Cleveland's choice and what the Universe's reaction will be.

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They've only had 3 head coaches since 1969. Every sports fan should be able to appreciate that.

Good catch... I forgot to mention 3 coaches in 42 years :bow:

NO other team in ANY sport can claim that

Plus, the rapes were only alleged :rolleyes:

Haaaa ;)

I guess for me it's just a hometown pride thing rather than about the teams themselves, and when the guy next door is waving a foreign flag and talking shit for attention, I just want him to STFU. Nothing against the real fans.

I completely respect that

I already regret commenting on this thread


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The reason Browns fanguy and Stillers fanguy hate/loathe eachother and eachother's teams so much is they are the same guy. They think the same way about their team, about the other guy's team, and about most things in life. They are cut from the same cloth, are passionate beyond the realm of common sense, and know what it take to get under the other one's skin because its the same shit that bothers them. And I will tell you that the truest fans of each team AND the sport have a begrudging respect for the other, almost like an evil twin sibling. If you have a Cowboys fan, a Redskins fan, a Stiller fan, and a Browns fan in a bar and the subject of rivalries comes up, those Browns fan and Stiller fan will have eachother's back in that fight. They won't like it, but they will defend the overall rivalry of their teams against anyone elses.

Peter Pan rule won't let me spread any more rep love today ;)

Although I still say... Our main rival these days is the old Browns. Look how many times we've met in the playoffs these last couple years, or regular season games have changed the course of playoff berths, such as this season when we beat the Ravens the 2nd time to take control of AFC North from them, which ended up in 1st rd bye & homefield advantage for us, unless the Pats were still in it

Until the old Browns get back to where our games actually mean something/have something riding on them... They're only a rival in a geographical/figurehead sense

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you got 2 industrial cities with teams in close proximity that have been playing since the game was invented basically. that means a lot of blue collar people watching the games in both cities (the bulk of ticket sales). naturally being from different states, there will be some rivalry, and it grew. and up until the late 90's the total games won vs games lost to each other was pretty much dead even.

With the team being moved there was a lot of ground lost, and a steep learning curve. It's a dry spell *shrugs* the team is getting better, and hopefully will be championship material soon. I like to see the steelers lose; I like to see the browns win... it's just loyalty.

I respect true steelers fans for their loyalty as well.

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The 2009 Bengals will be back next season!!.....Hopefully

what you mean where they lose in the playoffs? ;)

i dont think it will happen as long as mike brown, carson palmer and marvin lewis are still in the queen city. that year was a fluke lol

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that have been playing since the game was invented basically.

Steelers were founded in '33... Browns 13 years later ;)

I respect true steelers fans for their loyalty as well.

In Duane's defense... He came along with us on our Pitt daytrip a few years ago, when we rode to Heinz field, & was a willing participant in group pix, & even contributed $$ to Jerome Bettis' retirement fund :D


Notice his lame attempt at remaining a loyal fan by wearing his Brownie T in the parking lot... Which he promptly covered as soon as we got to the restaurant loser.gif



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Steelers were founded in '33... Browns 13 years later ;)

In Duane's defense... He came along with us on our Pitt daytrip a few years ago, when we rode to Heinz field, & was a willing participant in group pix, & even contributed $$ to Jerome Bettis' retirement fund :D

never looked up the specifics, just know it's been a LONG effin time.

also the years 54, 55 and 64 seem to stick in my head for some reason, lol

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People take sports to seriously. There's a difference from being a fan and being an obsessive wack job.

You do realize fan is short for "fanatic", right?

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what you mean where they lose in the playoffs? ;)

i dont think it will happen as long as mike brown, carson palmer and marvin lewis are still in the queen city. that year was a fluke lol

haha...well..You have a point. I honestly dont know what happen last season besides the T.O curse. Carson Palmer had basically the same stats last season as he did in 09. The best thing that happen last season was the two attention-whores of wide receivers got injured and couldnt play so the new guys could play, Shipley and Simpson. So Palmer didnt have to worry about anyone getting mad about not getting the ball thrown to enough he would just throw to the guy that was open. oh well, maybe one day when we get to the superbowl again we would actually win for once.

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You do realize fan is short for "fanatic", right?

:lol: Yes, I know that. I enjoy rooting for my teams that I like, but I watch the game, get annoyed if they lose or happy if they win. I do not obsess over it and I move on. Some people FLIP out man. When it comes down to it, it's JUST a game. Now if I was a PLAYER on that team, then I WOULD be much worse. I was always serious about our games on the teams I played on growing up. I took that shit serious and HATED losing. I love competition, but if I'm not involved in the game itself, then it doesn't affect me as bad.

I was swearing up a storm when the Steelers loss and was cursing Big Ben to my wife, but I was fine the next day; upset, but not pissed like Sunday night.

There, now you know my side.:cool:

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Damn! Im a HUGE Steelers fan and I didn't take the loss that hard.

I mean, yeah, it sucks we lost the superbowl, but fuck, we were IN the superbowl! That is an awesome accomplishment.

No fan I know was ready to throw themselves off a building after sundays loss, but the backlash from the haters was pretty unexpected, and unnecessary.

Do I really need to listen to shit from Bengals fans? That's just bizarre.

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Now if I was a PLAYER on that team, then I WOULD be much worse. I was always serious about our games on the teams I played on growing up. I took that shit serious and HATED losing. I love competition

thats how I am and since I can't play football it sorta transcended itself into my watching habits :)

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wtf kind of thread is this? :wtf:







learn rivalries noob :D

Someone call ESPN 8: The Ocho, and tell them their new rivalry expert is ready. :D

Maxi says it best:

Damn! Im a HUGE Steelers fan and I didn't take the loss that hard.

I mean, yeah, it sucks we lost the superbowl, but fuck, we were IN the superbowl! That is an awesome accomplishment.

No fan I know was ready to throw themselves off a building after sundays loss, but the backlash from the haters was pretty unexpected, and unnecessary.

Do I really need to listen to shit from Bengals fans? That's just bizarre.

This year was more fierce then most. I was trying to figure out why.

it's called google. give it a try.

If I want to know what a great t-bone steak looks like I can shove my head up a cow's ass; or I can take the butchers' word for it.:D

Google would have told me ABOUT the rivalry (which I already know) but not why this years Browns fans were so bad.

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