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Sad Panda... This info can't get out...


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Ill just pay for her vacine.

and I would bet you a dollar that whoever conducted this study makes a vaccine.

Conflict of interest much?

the medical field is almost as bad as politics when it comes to interest groups. You've got pharm reps IN the operating room badgering doctors about prescription drugs, and waving studies in their face that say, "people NEED this drug!"

It's hard to trust your doctor when they're getting such biased information. I wouldn't say that the majority of doctors are "in" on it (i.e. accepting kick-backs from the pharm companies), but like I said, they're bombarded with biased information.

as much as the whole vegan, hippie lifestyle is annoying to me, I think it's probably a lot healthier to avoid putting X, Y, and Z into our bodies than it is to add vitamins or drugs A, B, and C to counteract the other crap...

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and I would bet you a dollar that whoever conducted this study makes a vaccine.

Conflict of interest much?

the medical field is almost as bad as politics when it comes to interest groups. You've got pharm reps IN the operating room badgering doctors about prescription drugs, and waving studies in their face that say, "people NEED this drug!"

It's hard to trust your doctor when they're getting such biased information. I wouldn't say that the majority of doctors are "in" on it (i.e. accepting kick-backs from the pharm companies), but like I said, they're bombarded with biased information.

as much as the whole vegan, hippie lifestyle is annoying to me, I think it's probably a lot healthier to avoid putting X, Y, and Z into our bodies than it is to add vitamins or drugs A, B, and C to counteract the other crap...

So on the money there. I was presribed an anti-inflammatory when I broke my wrists on a whoolie gone bad. Side effects were gas, diarrhea, and hallucinations. Wouldn't those be things to... maybe not want? My girlfriend tried quitting smoking with a pill. It made her depressed. So she got a pill to stop the depression and she put on weight. She got a different pill for the depression.... and it goes on. I try to skip all that stuff.

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