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F'n dumbass on 270 EB a few minutes ago...


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...this dumbass almost bit it and would have caused a multi-car crash that

would have included myself! :nono:

Asshole came out of nowhere doing well over what the collective traffic mass

was doing, split lanes and went completely sideways TWICE as he tried to

cut over three lanes at over 70mph in heavy morning traffic EB on 270 just past Sawmill!

When he went sideways the second time I thought it was all over, but he

somehow managed to straighten it out and keep going. This happened about

two cars in front of me.

The only thing I can think of that would possess someone to pull such a stupid

stunt during heavy traffic is that he must have stole the car or just committed

some other major crime cause he didn't care about anyone else on the road!

Car was black, looked like a Chevy Cobalt.

Sometimes I wish I had a piece of shit car built like a tank that I could

just drive around all day and take people like that out!

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Sounds like an eventful morning, I've had people do this to me on the freeway's a lot.About three months ago I was heading 270-EB and some woman came about three feet from putting my car into a ditch. No sure how I missed the car to my left I had to swerve just to miss her. Layed on the horn and gave her the universal sign for dumb ass and took off away from her.

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Dude you always have the coolest stories about your daily travels. Thanks bro.

This is what happens when you spend half your day driving.

Props to him for holding onto the drift at 70 + twice! Anything over 45/50ish starts to get difficult.

I honestly don't know how he managed it.

Such talent wasted on the public roads. :(

Some racing team needs to pickup this driver ASAP!

Talent? I'd call it luck :), pretty sure he needs some new underwear!

And the rest of you with your snarky remarks can just :bj:;)

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Dude you always have the coolest stories about your daily travels. Thanks bro.

That's what was going on? I was confused since I was texting the whole time.

let me guess you were going 50 in the left lane

i dont see the problem....he is allowed to exceed the speed limit as much as he wants, since he was passing, amirite?

You should have asked him to paypal you money for your lottery pool

lol.gif These made me giggle

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As long as you aren't the asshole in the left lane going 3 mph over the speedlimit on your cell phone, I am cool with most things. But Left Laners piss me off to no amends. When I get my new front Ranch Hand full bumper on the F250..... done and done.

Sooo, are you sayin what this ahole did was okay with you????? Because he was real close to causing a pileup in rush hour traffic.

I'm not talking about one car, had he lost it he would have taken out a half dozen maybe more. Myself included.

I saw it already. Ha ha.

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