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Damn skunks. Damn rain.


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I know all about that! Part of the house here is over a crawl space. There was a spot last year that animals could get into. A skunk did. First time, it wasn't so bad, although at the time it seemed awful. I went to the basement and saw the dude headed the other way. I think he was out then. Well, I blocked off the opening they were entering through, and this time I think it got scared. It was so bad that we went to dinner later that evening, and the hostess said something about smelling a skunk outside. Well, we sat down ad realized that it was us! We had smelled it so strong that when we left we didn't notice the weaker, more typical smell. Ugh. It took about a week for it tl cear out pretty well.

Then I could talk about the chipmunks that get in from time to time, or the birds in the ceiling... Oh the joys of living in an old farmhouse!

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Nice, I remember when I lived in Johnstown my brother was going out to get something out of the back of his truck. His dog went out with him. Was standing right beside him on the blacktop drive. The dog was growling at something. He dropped the tailgate and BAMO, it got his legs the back of his truck and the dog. Not to mention the driveway. Holy hell! I did not go over there for 3 weeks.

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My dog charged a skunk and took a direct hit to the grill. He retreated, and then was retarded enough to take a SECOND run at the skunk.

That was epically awful.

His second encounter involved a baby skunk that didn't pack nearly as much punch, but he stuck around longer barking at it from 2 feet away.

I've seen the adult skunk in our (fenced in) yard multiple times since then. You can usually smell them before opening the garage to let the dog out, but I check compulsively now.

We've tried trapping them. All I caught was the neighbor's cat. Serious question: is sub-sonic .22 ammo quiet enough that my neighbors won't call the cops?

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My dog charged a skunk and took a direct hit to the grill. He retreated, and then was retarded enough to take a SECOND run at the skunk.

You think your dog is stupid? My wife's dog (I refuse to take responsibility for ownership) got sprayed three times by the same skunk before finally giving up.

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You think your dog is stupid? My wife's dog (I refuse to take responsibility for ownership) got sprayed three times by the same skunk before finally giving up.

Dogs are not completely stupid. Smart enough to know that having been hit once, it doesn't much matter if hit again. A couple of more hits, and suddenly realizes that dinner won't taste right, and pizza might never taste the same. Time to quit...

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CB caps, also called 22 CB by CCI. Sounds like a pellet gun.

will that kill a skunk at 40 feet?

I've looked at those, but they're not even powerful enough to self-eject the casing... maybe sub-sonic round with the bike idling in the garage to cover it up a little?

I don't imagine my neighbors; nor the police, would sympathize much with my choice here, so being inconspicuous is very important. I'll be taking a shot from my garage window at an angle where the bullet will impact the ground long before it enters anyone else's property.

I assume a sealed bag is the best way to dispose of such a problem. would burning also be an option, or is that just going to amplify the stink?

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