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Pics from my first trackday adventure 2-20 at PBIR


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Just got my pics from the track photographer today so I figured I'd post some up.... pretty obvious I guess from the pics that I was nervous as s**t, especially at the beginning (I look like a damn brick, lol). But as the day went on I got more and more comfortable and relaxed, and you can prob see it in the pics from the beginning of the day to the end of the day. I learned a ton of good info, which I was trying to practice towards the end but then before I knew it the day was over, so I guess I'll just have to do another one now, heheh. Honestly though once I got past the jittery stage, I had an absolute BLAST!! I know I'm slooooww and still need alot of work on my body positioning and whatnot, but hey that's why I did a trackday in the first place.... to learn! I may have alot of street experience, but I just can't get into this 'go-fast' mindset on the street, I'm too cautious all the time, so this kinda stuff is all new to me. I loved it though... another trackday will certainly be in my near future

Anyways, on with the pics.... some are from the track photographer and others are from a buddy who was there shooting pics as well (the low-res ones). Also some pics from the adventure down there as well, lol

Saturday 2-19... got my faithful tow rig all loaded up and ready to hit the road, left NC by 7:30 am


I had the whole family with me...

Co-Pilot Piggy... snoozing on the job, as usual


Piper and Riley... up in the back window everytime we stopped


Made my way south... sadly this was only a little over half way, lol


9 pm... I'm still in the middle of freakin' Flawriduh somewhere, about 100 miles from my destination


Finally got in about 10:30 or so and absolutely dead on my feet. Ate some dinner and passed out shortly after. Woke up bright and early Sunday to get to the track before the gates opened at 7am... got there about 6:45 and met up with all my old south Florida buddies


After getting everything unpacked, got the bike all taped up and ready to go




9:40 am first call for novice group... extremely nervous for my first time out


But out I go!


See what I mean?? LOL




Control riders worked with me several times throughout the day to help me out








My buddy Kurt came down into novice to do a little one on one with me as well



Towards the end of the day I was starting to get much more comfortable, especially after some great advice from other people at the track












5:00 pm... I was having a blast and wanted to keep going, but the day was over. Relaxed for a bit then got everything loaded back up



Not too much tire meltage... it was my first time, after all. But I did get a few little dingleberries



We all headed home after hanging out for a little while longer... got something to eat and passed out yet again. Monday morning woke up nice and early yet again... got everything loaded up and on the road by 8:00 am or so. I was soooo wiped from the weekend, I wanted nothing more than to join the puppies in their snoozing adventures.... but, I still had 700 miles to go for that


Finally got home about midnight... absolutely exhausted beyond belief. I gotta say the trusty old Accord did fantastic on this little 1400 mile jaunt. Cruising at 75-80 MPH towing the trailer and bike, 3 dogs and all their supplies, all my gear, and me.... 27.58 MPG. Can't argue with that! She didn't miss a beat the whole trip. I didn't even unhook the trailer or unload the bike or anything from the car, just drove it all to work the next day, lol


That's about all the pics I've got..... I definitely still need A LOT of work on my body position and getting rid of some bad street habits, and of course practice practice practice, but that's what more trackdays are for. I can't wait!!!

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Glad you had a good time. You look better than I did my first day, of course you've already got more miles under your belt than I will in my lifetime. Just get those toes on that inside peg - did you end up dragging them at all? I'm sure head and shoulders will come down as speeds increase.

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Glad you had a good time. You look better than I did my first day, of course you've already got more miles under your belt than I will in my lifetime. Just get those toes on that inside peg - did you end up dragging them at all? I'm sure head and shoulders will come down as speeds increase.

hahaha - i'm glad I read all the posts before pointing out the exact same thing.

Especially with your right foot, there's no reason to ever have your toes sticking out. Rear brake is a no-no for anyone not at the front of "A" group, so get in the habit of keeping that foot back further.

Left foot is harder to get under control because you're having to drop gears before turn-in, but even then, it's a good habit to keep your foot back unless you're actually shifting.

dragging a knee is a lot more fun than dragging a toe...

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Great pics!!!! I'm gettin ready to do my first track day in April....sooooo stoked for it!!!! A little nervous but I have some great friends/exp. track riders that have been helping me!!!!! have fun out there!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...
glad to see you had a great time! addicting isnt it!

thanks for the pics

Ohhh man.... ain't no joke!! :eek: I seriously can't wait until the next one :D

How's the towing with that Accord?

Of course there's better things to tow with, but for what it is it really doesn't do bad at all. I can run 75-80 MPH in 5th gear no probs and still got 27.58 MPG. If I start going up a loooong steep hill I need to downshift to 4th to maintain my speed, but otherwise it goes right on along no prob. It has a 1000 lb towing capacity, and the bike and trailer are only about 650 lbs or so.... I've towed alot heavier things before, lol

Glad you had a good time. You look better than I did my first day, of course you've already got more miles under your belt than I will in my lifetime. Just get those toes on that inside peg - did you end up dragging them at all? I'm sure head and shoulders will come down as speeds increase.

Yea that's definitely a bad habit that I need to get out of..... I'm not used to being able to move my right foot back at all cuz I've had my high mount midpipe on for the past 3 years, so I'm just so used to it being in that exact position. I kept catching myself doing that throughout the day and would move it back when I noticed it, but somehow it kept moving back forward, lol. I'll work on that more the next time. Getting my head and chest down lower helped out a ton!!

Damn dude that accord is saweet! Honda will be wanting that one back!

Glad you had a good day. Dont you worry about your pups at the track? If you went down and could not get back to them, who wood take care of them?

I didn't take them to the track itself.... I figured they'd be bored all day just sitting there and would prob just end up barking at everybody all day, lol. They stayed at my buddies house that we all stayed at.... he has 3 dogs and was home most of the day, and has a fenced in yard so they all played together and had a good time while I was at the track

Thanks everyone for all the comments and compliments! Glad you guys enjoyed the pics :)

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