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Help for Ohio Injury & Accident Victims


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If you have been hurt by the fault of another in a motorcycle accident in Ohio or been injured in any kind of accident I will answer your questions at no cost and no obligation. For more help try www.castellilaw.com

Also I invite you to join the facebook group Motorcycle safety awareness and injury help of Ohio and check out the www.ohiomotorcyclegarage.com

Send me a SASE for a free Watch for Motorcycles bumper sticker.

Ride safe out there Tony

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My clients that get seriously injured never get made whole by money, no matter how much. . It helps them financially and a bit emotionally to right a wrong , but if they have permanent problems, they would trade the money to have their health back. Just saying ,


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My clients that get seriously injured never get made whole by money, no matter how much. . It helps them financially and a bit emotionally to right a wrong , but if they have permanent problems, they would trade the money to have their health back. Just saying ,


You'll see how threads do a 180 quick and get off subject. Just messing around here a bit.

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The other day I had to pass my turn because I could see the guy in my mirrors eating french fries and looking down when I put my turn signal on. I started to slow down and he almost rear ended me, so I just punched the throttle and turned around at the next opportunity.


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My clients that get seriously injured never get made whole by money, no matter how much. . It helps them financially and a bit emotionally to right a wrong , but if they have permanent problems, they would trade the money to have their health back. Just saying ,


This is the truth. I broke both ankles, left leg, and my right hand last April. I would give anything for it to have never happened. Not to mention what I am am getting out of it is so pathetic, I hope the guy that pulled out in front of me has bad karma for life.

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  • 4 weeks later...

nice. My uncle is my insurance agent, so I was never allowed to have crap coverage.

The bike wasn't worth much, but i had un-insured/under-insured motorist coverage to spare. You never know what kind of idiot is going to hit you.

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