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wow...philadelphia police violate open carrier


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It's continuing because I've been home sick and I'm bored so I chose this thread to stir some shit up. I really have no idea why others keep replying to me. I don't really care about the topic but it looked like one that had some staying power. My goal was 10 pages. I think I could have gone 12 possibly 13 but I'm feeling better now.

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Not to beat a dead horse but why cant a CC law in a city be a deterrent? Does a deterrent have to be visible? I have an electric dog fence. My dogs don't go near it. Even with no collars! Can't one be deterred by the notion that there may be armed civilians in the store he is about to knock off?

One can be yes. Like in Kennesaw GA. Their crime rate is very low due to their law. I'll let you go find that since you don't like to research anything. On a statewide level? No, like Fusion hit on, not enough people carry. Of course how many police stations or gun stores get robbed or shot up? Why does it seem that it's always the places that don't allow guns that get shot up? Schools, military bases, immigration offices....? Comparing bad guys to dogs isn't an even comparison anyways. IF that were the case, no one would be getting shot or robbed in Ohio because most bad guys know there could be a gun hidden in the store. So is it really a deterrent or do you just think it could be a deterrent?

I doubt it, really. Maybe if the known CCW population of Ohio was closer to 50% it might be, but most people know hardly anyone carries; only 3% of Ohioans have CHLs.

True. But a no gun sign is more of an invitation than a gun that might be hidden.

so, what is being argued here is that my actions, whatever they may be and well within my rights, should be dictated by the lack of education on the subject, complacency and apathy of those around me? its like making the test easier so the dumb kids do better.

this is the problem with the world today........IMO. :(

I'm still trying to figure out why this thread is going on. The guy was in his rights to be walking down the street as he was without having his rights infringed upon. The cop was wrong and there's no argument that could possibly justify his actions. I dont care who you are or what you have had done to you in the past (i.e. robber, shot at, etc.) it give you no right to infringe upon another citizens given rights protected by the constitution and statutes because you are not in the know (as the cop was) or it makes you feel uncomfortable.

Yes, that is what sunseeker will have you believe. Doesn't matter if your 100% legal. If someone else has a problem with what your doing, you should accommodate them because they are more important than you. I mean, we are all taught to play the victim card. He scared me. It's his fault. No mind that I don't know the laws enough so he's wrong, not me. This is my main complaint with this whole thread. Sunseeker rides a BMW which is made by the Germans and some Germans were Nazis and Nazis scare me. Waaaaaa Get rid of BMWs. Same thought process, different target. Makes a lot of sense doesn't it.

It's continuing because I've been home sick and I'm bored so I chose this thread to stir some shit up. I really have no idea why others keep replying to me. I don't really care about the topic but it looked like one that had some staying power. My goal was 10 pages. I think I could have gone 12 possibly 13 but I'm feeling better now.

I've continued it because I am tired of people with your mentality. "It's not my fault, it's everyone else's fault." See my reply right above this one.

its only on page 3 :dunno:

Me too. :D

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For the record I totally agree that you have every legal right to carry open and not be harassed. But don't you think it's just as selfish to carry open and not at least think about how others may see you? You said many people ask if you're a cop. Do you like that? Maybe you like the power that it portrays. Just playing devils advocate to whether you should vs I legally can so screw the rest. It is a "me first society" after all. since when did it become a victim mentality to put yourself in someone else's shoes to see how your actions may affect others. Guess that's the way I was raised. Guess I was raised in a dysfunctional home.

Deterrence. Did you really think I was comparing dogs to criminals or are you just screwing with me? The idea was to demonstrate that there are invisible deterrents.

We totally agree that people have the legal right to open carry and not be harassed. Is it so wrong to explore other viewpoints? I would apologize for having an open mind but I'll pass. I find it more beneficial to be open minded. Closed and narrow mindedness has led to pretty bad things in this world....including Nazis.

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I'm with you on being open minded, and maybe having a little empathy, but I think the way you framed your initial argument is what lead this whole discussion astray.

But you also realize a lot of it IS how you are raised. When you're raised to fear guns since guns = bad guys or police, then you have these situations. People are raised differently and have different cultures. That's why I can't hate on jbot for eating cats and dogs because that's OK for him, I'm not here to judge. I'm just here to follow the laws of the land in the country I'm in, try to change the ones I don't agree with, and reinforce the ones I do - which, it appears that's what this guy was doing.

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I'm with you on being open minded, and maybe having a little empathy, but I think the way you framed your initial argument is what lead this whole discussion astray.

But you also realize a lot of it IS how you are raised. When you're raised to fear guns since guns = bad guys or police, then you have these situations. People are raised differently and have different cultures. That's why I can't hate on jbot for eating cats and dogs because that's OK for him, I'm not here to judge. I'm just here to follow the laws of the land in the country I'm in, try to change the ones I don't agree with, and reinforce the ones I do - which, it appears that's what this guy was doing.

Totally agree and do apoligize for how I framed initial opinions. Can I get any points for being on heavy cold medication during my rant?

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